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Okay, so for those who play roblox, I have made an account (1 yr ago) but hey better than nothin' as long as you are the age of 13 TO 14 were good :). 

My account: xXWolfieStarBrightXx 

If you so much as do sexual harassment, bullying, or aren't the age you say you are I will report you on Watteau and roblox. So please again just be honest and not do weird things, I really only play on Mondays and wendsdays (I think I spelled that wrong oops-) and SOMETIMES weekends. And I do ask of you..... NOT TO SPAM ME TO PLAY W/ YOU CAUSE I WONT I WILL BLOCK YOU INSTEAD. IVE BEEN AROUNG A BUNCH OF KIDS DURING SUMMER CAMP AND IM A LIT (leader in training) SO ITS ALREADY A JOB FOR ME, I DONT NEED ANOTHER HEAD ACHE ALRIGHT! Sorry but I just can't rn cause I'm tired and I want to not do much but play with peeps I'm comfortable around at the moment. (No I do not have a max friend list)  but yeah I do want to play murder mystery.... Also when you friend me, if you want ur roblox character drawn then all you have to do is say in messages "#StarBright'sCorner" and you will be entered I will pick at random so... Yeah I will make a book with winner drawings. Also, please type your name so i know who's character it is (ur watt pad name plz) so yeah bye my little stars~ Q3Q


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