Chapter 6

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AN: Sorry if I seem distracted during the chapter, I'm just a bit worried and I'v been thinking about things. I figured you all deserved a chapter though, seeing as I've been kinda bad about it lately. Enjoy!

The next week seemed to go by in a blur. Blitz was working hisvfashionable ass off, learning ASL, making us new clothes and crafting the occasional thing for someone who asked. He wasn't the best at crafting according to him but it got him some money. I was reading up on my runes and staring at Blitz... Occasionally. I mean what?

Hearth.' Blitz waved his hand in front of my face, signing my name. I dropped my rune pouch next to me and gave him my complete attention.

I have a...' The next sign I hadn't seen since the Christmas before Andi died. Present.' My mouth dropped open before I closed it and smiled slightly.

You got a present... For me"' He nodded, grabbing something off the coffee table behind him. I'd seen him making the scarf a few times this week, but never realized it was for me. He looped it around my neck and smiled.

Gives you a splash of color. The black clothes, your platinum blonde hair. The red striped scarf makes a bold statement, don't you think"' I looked down at it, and couldn't help but love it. My smile got bigger. Why was Blitz so amazing?

Thank you.' He just smiled, gave mea hug and went back to making us clothes. I wish the hug could have lasted longer, but Blitz would never return the feelings I was starting to have for him.

We knelt by Mimir's well, talking to the severed head.

"Hearthstone," He said, but he spoke in my mind. "You have two options. I can restore your hearing, but you will have to leave Blitzen behind and will serve me from Alfheim. Your family will love you now. Or you can stay deaf and master the power of the runes. You will travel with the dwarf, serving me for four years. What will it be elf?" Was that really a question? I could never forget the horrors I'd gone through during my childhood, even if my parents would love me. But staying with Blitz? Even if he would never return my feelings he was still my best friend.

I'll stay deaf, Great Mimir. I will master the runes. What is our task"' Mimir smiled, coughed up a minnow and said, "You will be protecting Magnus Chase, a demigod child of Frey. He is homeless and you will have to be as well. Do not reveal anything to him." Blitz and I nodded, bowed and left.

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