The Crib

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It was a normal day for the Skepster man when suddenly he saw a call from Finn babe. He answered it and greeted her. "Hi Finn~"

"I skepster man I need to tell u smth. I pregabant with outr child but I secretly love A6d so I need u to take care of it, k?"

"Oh oop ok I understand lol A6d hawt." So then after that the Skep man got a crib and waited for Finn to send out the box with the baby in it. People asked about the crib but he couldn't tell them about his and Finn's child.

One day Skepster was streaming wen he heard a knock at his door. "oh brbrbrb guys sone1s at my door uwuuwu" He walked to the door and saw a box on the ground, immidietly knowing what it was. It was his cgild! He put the box down by the door deciding that he would open it up later then went back to his stream.

And that's the story of how Skeppy became a father.

Word count: 176

Sorry for postinf 2 chapters twice wattpad was being weird and glitchy-

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