Chapter 11

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The Next Day..
Hero P.O.V.
So this morning I woke up with my arm draped around Belle's waist. I looked over at her alarm clock and it was seven in the morning, I took my arm off her waist and kissed the top of her head and then walked out quietly and went into my room and hit the middle of the bed and fell asleep with my feet dangling off the bed.

Three hours later..
Belle P.O.V.
I have just woken up to find myself alone in the bed which makes me sad, Sam is at the bathroom. I headed into my closet to put on my swim suit and then get dressed, I literally just wanna have a chill day and spend some time by the pool. I get dressed and walk back out into the living room and I looked at Sam and said "Do you wanna spend the day by the pool and just hang out for a little bit." she looked at me and said "I can't I just called into work. Sorry" I watched her head dropped and I said " its all good. Do you want me to drop you off?" "No that's fine I wanna walk." she being really distant.. "Okay no worries" she walked away and then downstairs and I heard the front door shut. I sat back down on the bed and tried to make understanding on what just happen. Did I say something wrong? I heard a knock on the door and I said "Come in" In came my mum and she sat down on the bed and pulled me into a hug and said "How are you my darling?""I am okay mum, sorry I wasn't there for you yesterday, I miss dad, I remember being angry at him for so long for leaving us but then when I find out he died I remember calling him just to hear his voice. I just don't do well with this grieve so I hang out with Barry and Sam and we smashed plates at Barry's club." "I know Baby, I had a feeling you went there, its okay to feel the way you might feel. You never got to really say goodbye to your father." Mum and I just hugged for a bit before she had to go to work. Once she left my room I scooted so I was sitting against my pillows and I went on to my phone for a little bit.

Half an hour..
I am currently in the pool. Hero is out with my brother. The water is beautiful but now I am just going to lay under the sun for a bit and get a bit of a tan. I look at Brax just laying in the sun on his stomach and I took my phone out to get some shots he looks so damn cute, this a regular thing for Brax and I. I even taught him how to swim in the water.

"Brax" He lift up his head and I said "Do you wanna go swimming?" He barked and I said "go on then" he got up and went to the steps and ran in into the pool and started swimming

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"Brax" He lift up his head and I said "Do you wanna go swimming?" He barked and I said "go on then" he got up and went to the steps and ran in into the pool and started swimming. I got up and grab his floatie and placed it in the water and sat on the edge so my feet were dangling and he swam over to me and that basically means Mum put me on the floatie. Mum bought me Brax when dad left and he has been by my side ever since. He hasn't grown much over the years which is weird cause he is a golden retriever but its okay because he see's the vet once a month for a checkup. I pushed him out a bit and let him float there for a bit he knows how to get off and I help him if he gets stuck too.

I heard the gate open and I saw Mason come through and I said "Hey what are you doing back?" "Oh Hero got in a fight with some guys, he is in the bathroom fixing up his face, hahaha." "What! Why did he get in a fight?" "Cause he is a dickhead, I warned you to stay away from him and you never listen to me." "What has this got to do with me?" "He your's fucking boyfriend! He gets in to fights for fun and you think he is best human being on this world." "Oh fuck off Mason, you don't get to come home and think you can have a go at me cause I choose who to date, you don't choose who I be honest nobody does except me, you know whats your problem is.." "Yeah and whats that Belle?" "Your fucking Jealous, News flash hun he spent the day with you not me , he still your best mate." "Are you kidding me right now! I am not jealous of you, whats going to happen when he goes back to college are you going to attempt to do the whole long distance with a guy who parties and lives in the frap house, with girls around him twenty four seven." "Shut up" " what didn't think that far or is this just a silly summer love, that won't last." I turned around and looked back at Brax and saw him struggling to get off and I slipped into the water and swam to him and got him off the floatie and said "Its all good Brax" He stop worrying and calm right down and I watched Mason leave the area.

I guess I hadn't thought that far but the worst that could happen..

Hero P.O.V.

I have been standing outside near the pool area hearing Mason and Belle's fight. I hid behind the bush when he came back inside. What the fuck is wrong with him.. Its not a silly summer love, I have wanted to be with her for a while and nothing is going to change that, I don't need those girls in my life anymore, what I need is the girl who jumped in to save her dog, the one who can't say no to anyone. The girl who is full of passion, happiness and love but is the same girl who is a teddy bear full of anxiety that has this tough look on the outside. That girl is Belle.. the one I am falling hard for every single minute of every day. Which sounds insane since we haven't been going out for that long..

I walk out to where Belle is and she looks at me and comes out of the pool and places brax down he goes and lays to where her chair is. She presses a hand on my face and said "What happen to you?" "I got in a fight with some guys they were picking on this girl?" "What, awe your sweet. But why did Mace say you do it for fun?" "Cause he is a dick" she laughed and I said " I am okay though." she nod her head and I kiss her on the top of her head. I got in the pool as she sat on her chair with Brax and looked at her and said "Get in with a smirk" "Nah babe" "please" She rolled her eyes and place brax on the chair by himself and she jumped in.. once she resurface up above the water I grabbed her and said "Thanks for joining me" she place her legs around my waist and place her arms around me and I place my hands underneath on her arse for some support.

"You know I heard the fight between you and Mace?" "Yeah I thought you might do you think we will last?" " Baby, it will be hard but you are worth it all, I wanna be with you

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"You know I heard the fight between you and Mace?" "Yeah I thought you might do you think we will last?" " Baby, it will be hard but you are worth it all, I wanna be with you. I don't need those things at college, what I need is you." "I need you too and I wanna be with you."

I smiled and kissed her lips.. My favourite time of the day is when I am with her!

 My favourite time of the day is when I am with her!

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