Chapter 1

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"Kimberly, well done on your report... Yet again." I looked up from my notebook and paused from writing.

Mr. Walsh stood over me with his usual smile planted on his face. His grey hair wasn't as gelled back as usual, and a few strands dotted his forehead. Or maybe he was just trying to hide some of his wrinkles?

"Thanks, Mr. Walsh." I returned the smile and took the paper from his sweaty hands.

A* was written on the top right corner, and I gave myself a mental high five. Third one today, Ms. Jones; keep up the good work. I smiled to myself and looked back at Mr. Walsh, but he was already gone. I watched as he handed a paper to the boy behind me, tutting as he did so, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for Matt. He always tried his hardest, he'd even begged me to tutor him one year (although I sadly declined, too busy with my own studies at the time)- poor boy.

"Well done, Kim." He whispered, noticing the way I was staring.

"You too, you did well on this one!"

"Nah, I only had a C. Compared to you, I did shit. Might as well admit it, ain't it?!" I gave him a sad smile, and tried making him feel better.

Every cloud has a silver lining right?

"Well... You had a D last time, and the time before that; you're improving!" His face was set tight and I sighed again, I really did want to help him out... I just didn't have time. "Don't let this get to you. I mean, everyone has to have something to work on, you just have slightly... More. Hey, don't give me that look! You know you can do this, and so can I! Quit doubting yourself- it won't get you very far."

"I don't doubt myself... I just know I can't do it. Stuff doesn't come that easily to me- not like you!" He argued, refusing to meet my eye.

I placed my hand over his and stroked it with my thumb. Dad always calmed me down by doing this, and desperate times call for desperate measures. I leaned closer to him, speaking quieter so no one would overhear, and forced his chin up with a finger. His green eyes met my blue, and I smiled. See, already better!

"Matt, it may look like I make no mistakes and I'm perfect, or whatever, but I'm not. I have go constantly work on myself, meet all these expectations! You? You have it easy. You can play sports, you're naturally smart, you're... Handsome. You have a lot of things going for you, so these few grades aren't going to make you a better person." I shot him a quick smile before spinning in my chair, giving out a long sigh when the bell finally rung.

I quickly put my notebook and pens into my rucksack, and stood from my chair. Lunch, finally. It felt like the closer we got to summer, the longer the days were. Well, okay, that was kind of true. There's more daylight and such and such, blah blah blah. You know what I mean.

I quickly walked out of the room, joining the mass of people in the hall. I jumped when someone gabbed my hand and roughly pulled me against them, but eased myself into their chest when I realized who it was.

"I missed you so much, babe." James whispered into my ear, kissing my neck.

"It hasn't even been two hours, James!" I laughed, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Two hours more than I'd like." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled his face back, staring deep into my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Matt. He didn't do so well." I hated how defeated I sounded, but it couldn't be helped.

I'd tried so many times back in year 9 to tutor him; giving him extra books, old papers of mine, the works. But if he didn't immediately understand, or get an amazing mark he'd give up. It was so frustrating sometimes.

"Again, really?" I nodded, "I'll speak to coach, see if he can give Matt some more bench time. Maybe then he'd want to study."

"No! You know how much football means to him! If he loses that then he'll probably just get even worse." I thought for a moment, but couldn't think of a solution. "Please don't tell anyone that I told you, okay? I promised Matt it'd stay between the two of us."

A look flashed through his eyes but, before I could fully understand what it was, it was gone.

"Yeah, sure. Anything for my babe." I laughed when he placed light kisses all over my face and pulled away from him.

"Come on, I'm starving."


The rest of the week passed in a blur. I was nominated for Prom Queen, Matt passed his next paper with a B (much to both of our delight) and James and I finally took time to think about our future... Apart.


"Cheating on you?! What the fuck, James?!" I screamed, throwing the closest object at him; the pillow didn't do much damage.

"It's pretty obvious, Kim! I mean, all you do is talk about him. 'Oh, Matt passed his exam' or 'Matt wants me to tutor him again' - Matt this, and Matt fucking that! You could at least keep it to yourself rather than flaunt it around for everyone to see, like the slut you are!" James yelled back, the vein in his neck protruding and pulsing.

God, I'd always hates that vein. As a matter of fact, I hated a lot of things about James; his bad breath, the warts around his finger nails, the way he constantly begged me for more than just kissing. Oh, and it went way further than appearance. I mean, come on! The boy has the personality of a brick wall for fucks sake!

"I can't believe I ever dated you, you arrogant jerk! Go fuck yourself." I was surprised by the absence of tears, but maybe I was... Happy?

After I agreed to dating him he'd gotten so clingy. I mean, he was constantly texting me and begging me to come over, or kissing me or trying to hug me or hold my hand. It was like he couldn't even function without me being a metre or closer!

"Oh, let's bring up the fucking- yes? Or do I mean, the lack of?! You act so high and mighty, refusing to have sex with me because you 'weren't ready', but in reality you're just sleeping with some idiot!"

"Don't you dare call Matt an idiot! You know how hard he tries- is trying- and I do not like you making a fucking fool of my friends! Maybe I should go fuck him?! Because then, at least, I'd know he's not some prick that's constantly clinging to my side and begging for more!" I big my lip and tasted copper, but I didn't care.

"I do not 'cling to you side', so get down from that pedestal and fucking face me! You are just some smart-mouthed bitch that thinks that fucking counts as tutoring! Have you done it in the library?! In the class?!"

He took a step toward me and I to him, feeling the rage boiling inside.

"Gah, you are such a prick! I'm a fucking virgin! Do you know what that means, James? That I haven't had sex! Stop accusing me of cheating, because you're making a goddamn fool of yourself. You son of a bitch!"

Before I'd even gotten the last syllable out I felt his lips crash down on mine. It was an invasion of tongue and teeth, and his hot breath and just... Ew. I shoved him away and, without realising what I was doing, let my palm connect with his cheek with a crack.

"Get the fuck out of my house. I don't want to see you ever again." I growled, shoving him out of the open door and slamming it closed.

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