Chapter Seven: The Heart Want what it Wants

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As the rooster cries were heard from outside, Marilla Cuthbert got out of bed and began her day. After getting dressed and fixing her hair, she walked down the wooden stairs and into the kitchen. She started a fire on the stove, took the kettle and started pumping water from the sink into the metal basin. As the water was boiling for a morning cup of tea, the woman put toast and eggs on the stove. Three of each. She then began setting the table, just in time, as she heard footsteps come from the stairs. Matthew Cuthbert appeared in the dining room and took his seat. As if on cue, Marilla placed a cup of hot tea in front of him. Another set of footsteps was heard and seconds later a groggy looking Jerry stumbled into the dining room. He sat down at the table, adjacent to Matthew. All of them were still not used to Jerry lodging at Green Gables and Anne not being there, although it didn't take long for Jerry to find out that meals were always quite awkward. Marilla placed a cup of tea in front of Jerry.

"Thank you, Miss Cuthbert." She nodded in reply and disappeared into the kitchen once more.

"We ought to fix that fence today." Matthew mumbled in Jerry's direction. Jerry nodded. Marilla walked back into the dining room and placed the food in front of them. They all began eating. Sounds of chewing and cutlery clanging against each other rose in the dining room.

"How do you think Anne is doing?" Jerry asked. He learned that when he brings up Anne, the Cuthberts start talking.

"Just fine, I reckon." Matthew said.

"Yes, of course. She's a smart one. And she's got her friends, Diana and the other girls." Marilla added. Jerry's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Diana. He still thought about her all the time. Even though she was awful to him last year. Even though her parents would never approve. Even though she told him she was waiting for college to end their courtship. He couldn't get her out of his head.

It was Wednesday afternoon. Diana and Anne were just finishing their homework when Anne noticed that Diana was acting odd. She seemed sorrowful, preoccupied, like there was something on her mind.

"Is anything the matter Diana?" Anne wanted to know.

"Not really." Diana answered. To Anne, not really meant yes. And she wasn't going to let Diana's face be held captive by the gloomy expression.

"Not really means that there's something, so we're not leaving this room until you tell me what's bothering you." Anne said sternly. Diana didn't know what to say. She knew exactly what was bothering her, or more accurately, who was bothering her, but could she tell Anne? Last time they had a talk about Jerry and Diana it ended in a fight that almost ended their friendship. Was she willing to risk it? Would Anne take her side? Or would she stand by Jerry, who's like her brother? All these thoughts made Diana dizzy, especially since she thought their friendship was already in rough seas because of Stella. Anne, of course, was completely unaware of Diana's views on her new friend.

"Diana" Anne said in an animated voice. "What are bosom friends for, if not to help each other sort their lives out?" Diana decided that not telling Anne, although it was definitely the easier choice, would be equivalent to betraying their friendship. After all, Anne was right, that's what bosom friends are for. And Diana did not want to lose the one she had.

"It's Jerry." The girl said hesitantly, trying to read her friend's expression as she went on. "I know I was truly awful to him and he shall never forgive me, and even if by some means he comes to forgive me, my parents won't have it. But he simply won't leave my conscience." Silence filled the air. 'I've left Anne speechless, nice job' Diana was enraged with herself. But Anne was not speechless, she just didn't want to say what was on her mind. Jerry had told her what Diana said to him, and Diana herself admitted to those things, so why now is she suddenly all consumed with thoughts of him?

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