1 ⚝ The Angry Pomeranian and The Cute Redhead

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Birds twittered in the trees, summer sunlight flitting through the trees on the sidewalk. A tall, tan girl with dark hair and attractive violet eyes walked over to one of the peaceful houses lined up on the sidewalk, a duffle bag swinging against her hips as she went.

A dog barked loudly from across the street, startling her for a moment.

Stepping onto the neatly mowed yard, she knocked on the smooth mahogany door. "Tomika!"

Immediately, voices and squeals came from within the house. Children's voices started getting louder and louder along with the new noise of hurrying footsteps thudding towards the door.

Arina caught a few words, "Stop pushing me, Keigo!"

"I'm not pushing anyone, I'm flying!"

"Stop pushing me, Tenko!"

"Get out of my way!"

Sighing in amusement, Arina stepped back just in time for the door to swing open, revealing a swarm of five-year-olds crowding around the door.

Well, not exactly a crowd, but being as rowdy as the three little boys were, Arina could get a headache just from hearing them outside the door. Not that she hated kids - she loved them, but she was just bad at handling them.

Thankfully, her bestfriend Tomika came sprinting down the stairs just on time. "Hey, hey kids, go back to the living room. Arina's here to play with me, not you!"

At that, all three boys started protesting again, moving aside to let Arina walk in. "Noooo but she's the best at pushing my Mercedes!" A little red-headed boy complained.

"Touya, I can't push all three of you at once-" Tomika tried.

"Yeah, you don't know how to make us win the race!" A boy with Tomika's black hair and red irises rolled his eyes.

Arina had to laugh at that, making Tomika shoot her a glare.

"And plus, I have to take her out on our first date!" Keigo crossed his arms triumphantly.

Both Arina and Tomika raised their eyebrows in surprise at that. "Excuse me?"

Keigo came over to slip his little hand through Arina's long, slender fingers. "Yeah! You're my lady love, aren't you Arina?"

Arina coughed. "Lady love?"

"Yeah!" Keigo wiggled his eyebrows, ruffling his newly-sprouted red wings. "You're a lady, and you love me! You're my lady love!"

Touya rolled his eyes at the winged boy. "Well, I still think Tenko is cooler - he has a real girlfriend!"

Confused, Arina had to look up at her bestfriend. Tomika shrugged, looking just as clueless. At that moment, Arina noticed another little head peeking out from the living room into the hallway. A girl - black hair, green eyes, pale skin.

Hmmm . . . "Is that your girlfriend?" Arina pointed.

Tenko looked behind him, saw the little girl and ran off to her. "Hisui-chan, come meet my other sister!"

"Yeah, that's his girlfriend." Touya nodded, a proud best friend.

Keigo looked much less pleased. "Well," He looked up at Arina. "You do love me right Ari-chii?"

"Yeah, of course I do!" Arina laughed, picking the boy up and lifting him into the air. "You're my favourite little nugget, after all!"

"A chicken nugget." Touya sniggered, making Keigo let out an angry noise.

"Okay, okay!" Tomika raised her voice before things could get out of hand. "It's about time that Kookie's Crafty Show came on, so you boys go have some fun with her!"

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