•|• The Empires Dog •|•

197 9 15

( So the time period is in traditional japan, but like it's not really going to be historically accurate per say, just think of that one manga called "Painter of the Night". It's that time period. )

He won't really have anything written down like an interview like usual because he's off eating his pork buns and food, so he's too lazy to do it~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Name: ( Izumi Hattori )

Age: ( 18 )

Sexuality: ( Gay )

Species: ( Human )

Gender: ( Male )



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( He's 5'10, imagine him with longer hair down to his waist )

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( He's 5'10, imagine him with longer hair down to his waist )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( He can eat a LOT! And by a lot, I mean A LOT because this man is a bottomless pit. He also has a iron stomach because of his resistance to poison of any type, he's built up an immunity from a young age and was taught of how to use a sword or how to use poison or herbs, and what plant does what to someone's body or how it's mixed. He has a strong sense of justice and won't just let anything happen to anyone even if they wronged him in the past— well, he might do that, but he mostly means well to others. Izumi is also very light on his feet, a really skilled assassin and guard for the emperor. )

Weaknesses: ( Even if he's a bottomless pit, he will eat so much sometimes that he might throw up or pass out, and people can always catch him off guard while he's eating. He's helpless when it comes to food, he can't ignore a request from someone if they offer him it, even if he was strongly against it at first. He tends to wait for things to happen to him instead of diving head first into combat, which can be a downfall because people have time to plan against him then. )

Personality: ( Izumi is a VERY prideful man and gets insulted really easily even if someone didn't mean it that way. He's really overprotective of his food and doesn't let anyone touch it unless he trusts them, so if he lets you eat one bite of his food then congrats! He likes you! He doesn't enjoy criticism and even if he doesn't admit it he knows when he's wrong and will work on it due to how diligent he is and how loyal he is to the royal family if they earned it, and he would never stab anyone in the back and would rather just tell someone to their face that he doesn't like them or that he finds them annoying. )

Family: ( None, he's the head of the house )

Powers/weapons: ( Any weapon he can find really, usual either a bow or a traditional sword, but he prefers more stealthy weapons like poison and needles. He's pretty gifted in acupuncture too. )

Backstory: ( His family was murdered when he was a kid right in front of him, so he's been the head of the household since he was 8. Despite what others might think, he's a great and fair ruler, but keeps everything like servants to a minimal unless he has a huge banquet coming up he needs to prepare for. Izumi was trained for practically any situation, and has never hesitated to protect the emperor and the royal family in any situation, he grew up with them basically because his family was loyal even during the rebellion. )


Birthday: ( June 1st )

Zodiac: ( Gemini )

Likes: ( Like stated before, he's a huge glutton and will never stop eating. He likes long naps and will take them in the weirdest places that others wouldn't even dare to go near, and likes the peace and quiet of forests or rivers. Izumi practices a lot and likes to work out because he can't keep his physique and health in top shape if he's over-weight! )

Dislikes: ( When others criticize him or tell him his work is wrong if he's 99% sure he's correct, he will go on a silent streak and not talk until he proves you wrong since he is REALLY stubborn. Despite him being loyal to the royal family, he dislikes the emperor because of the flamboyant nature of the old and fat man who likes to swindle with women and money, but will never tell anyone that. )


Scenario 1: In the streets was the rumored 'empires dog' who was busy looking for someone to help manage his estate since he was preparing for a banquet and things got a little rough during that time and it was best to get a personal servant instead of having very little servants compared to other Daimyos and  Samurais. Turns out it was just another servant putting up signs that gave a specific requirement... 'Must be a male that is good looking. No old people.', which was rather strange in your opinion, but you decided not to question it and just head down to see if you could get the job.

The manor was rather extravagant once you arrived, much unlike the mans personality as you would come to find out when you were shoved into a room that was covered and silk and beautiful portraits of waterfalls and... food? Weird. Anyway, the devil himself came in all disheveled and eating some pork buns that he had stolen from the kitchen and plopped down in front of you while munching away on his food. "...hmm.." Was all Izumi said while looking you up and down, and considering how no one else was coming for the interview he just sighed and nodded with a small point at you. "You're hired." He smiled while chewing on his food with a happy grin on his lips, glad that he could finally have some help.

Scenario 2: ( Make your own )

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