A single tear

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A/N: I recommend listening to "Claro de Luna" by Beethoven while reading this, it adds to the experience <3

As Chrollos name shined on Illumis phone, he picked it up with a slightly raised brow.


"He's dead."

Illumi paused. He was confused on who Chrollo was talking about.


"Hisoka. I killed him."


Illumi hung up the phone, hanging his arm by his side as he got up from his bed. Walking over to the balcony in his room, the wind immediately hitting his face as he opened up the glass doors. Moving the few pieces of hair that had gotten onto his face, illumi made his way to the railing, leaning on it and looking over the island.

"Hisoka. He's dead"

Illumi felt his cheeks warm up, and something wet hit his hand. He looked up, wondering if it was raining, but the sky was clear. Illumi brough a hand to his face, and his cheek was... wet.

"What is this?"

More of the warm liquid spilled out from his eyes, dripping from his cheeks onto his hands. Illumi quickly wiped it with the sleeve of his robe, but it wouldn't stop. More and more kept pouring out of his eyes, as if it were a waterfall. A tight feeling formed in Illumis throat, as if he was getting chocked. He brought a hand to his throat, pressing on it to make it stop. Illumi took some deep breathes, the cold air burning the back of his throat. The strange liquid had finally stopped coming out of his eyes at the rapid speed it had been going at, and he wiped his eyes once more.
Walking down the hall of the freezing, gloomy mansion, Illumis robe dragged on the ground, following him like a shadow. Arriving at the huge black door, he gave a slight knock.

"Come in"

Illumi opened the door and walked in, shutting it closed behind him.

"Oh, it's you Illumi. What's the matter?"

The head of the Zoldyck family asked, surprised that Illumi had come to visit him. He rarely interacted with the family, unless it was business related.

"Father.. what is the liquid that keeps pouring out of my eyes?"

Illumi asked, an almost helpless look coating his face.

Silva sat in shock; illumi couldn't be talking about tears. That was impossible, all the torture they'd conducted on him would've left him emotionless.

"What do you mean son?"

"It just started... spilling out of my eyes. First it was a little bit, then a lot, and it made my throat feel clogged..."

Illumi whispered, still confused on what this was. Silva patted the spot next to him, and Illumi walked over to it to take a seat.

"Hmm how do I say this.. the liquid from your eyes... those are called tears, Illumi."

"Tears?... what are tears?"

"Tears are a thing that happens when you're upset or when you're happy, it really depends. But if you're throat is clogged from them, then those are sad tears. What happened Illumi? What made you so sad that you cried for the first time in your life?"

"No.. impossible. I can't be sad.. there's no way that made me sad.. it can't be"

Illumi exclaimed, his brain fogging up with denial. He couldn't be sad over Hisoka; that damn magician that dressed like a clown and was always a nuisance. So what if he's dead? That makes no difference to him.. just one less threat to killu... right?

Illumi got up and quietly left, bumping into Kalluto on his way out.

"Oh- big brother?"

But Illumi ignored kalluto and kept going to his room, more "tears" streaming down his face. His hand held on to a ball of cloth at his chest, an empty feeling growing in it like a sprouting flower.

He had finally arrived at his room and shut the door, gasping for air as he did. Illumi slid down the door, trying to slow his breathing by taking deep breathes. He closed his eyes and repeated, slowly calming himself. Illumi looked over to his left to see a card that was stuck to his wall; it was from when they'd just recently met, and hisoka had come to his room at night because "he was bored". Illumi removed the card from the wall, and lifted it up so the moonlight illuminated off of it. It was a joker card, of course, what less would he expect of Hisoka.

"... I miss him ..."

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