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amanda wake up as she look aroud

amanda:what happen...i remeber be with jake and..

she remeber

amanda:that woman where she get that armor i pretty sure this is not 22 century,where i am

jake:you are an the cell below the masion

amanda look at him


jake:yeah we put you here

amanda:i trough you will kill me

jake:no after it will cause trouble if someone find you body and they point at me

amanda was surpise since after she did to him back then

amanda:soo what you gonnad leave me to die o treat me badly

jake:no standa thing 3 foods to day regula shower follow by guards

amanda:i i suprise you did that

jake:don't get the wrong idea i not let you leave the prison after wehat you capable off

he walk away



jake:you did an good job find me i impressed

jake leave as amanda was suprise but smile

amanda:like say jake i full of suprises

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