Chapter 2

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Hell broke loose as James grabbed the Optimus Prime helmet. “JAMES, YOU ASSHOLE GIVE IT BACK!” James sprinted down the hallway and ran out of the Creature office. Aleks dashed after him as if his life depended on it, except in this situation, it did. James was well known for destroying things, whether it was his own keyboard, Spencer’s Playstation controllers or Kinder egg toys, its size or value did not matter, if it was in James’ hands, it wasn’t likely to last long or remain intact. Aleks started to catch up until both he and James were outside behind the office block. Aleks determinedly collided into James so he would fall and hopefully drop the helmet. James landed with a thud onto the grass, letting the helmet roll out of his grip. “That’s what you get, bitch.” Aleks said with a laugh.

James groaned in pain. Aleks’ grin was wiped off his face and he placed his helmet on the ground and kneeled next to James. “Ar-are you okay? I’m really sorry if I hurt you. Please tell me you’re okay.” He said in a worried tone.  James looked up at Aleks and screwed up his face and winced. He stared right into Aleks’ eyes. James’ felt like his stomach was doing small flips, a feeling that was all too common when he was with Aleks. He smiled weakly. “Come on, help me up and we’ll get back to the office.” He said to Aleks softly. Aleks stood up and offered his hand to James. James let Aleks pull him up but didn’t let go of his hand for what felt like a minute, but in reality was merely seconds. “I think I can help with the pain.” Aleks said. James gave him a puzzled look and before he knew what Aleks was doing, he felt the Optimus Prime helmet be placed onto his head. “I thought you didn’t want me anywhere near this thing...” James said in a muffled voice from inside the helmet. Before Aleks could reply, James inhaled sharply and a strange sensation, almost like pins and needles, filled his body. The pain from Aleks colliding into him whilst running disappeared.

Aleks removed the helmet from James’ head and smiled at his friend. “Dude, what the fuck was that?” James demanded. A sharp pain spread across Aleks’ temple, but he did not show the pain, he couldn’t let James know that he had taken on the pain that was caused by him. “Could we not talk about it right now, I’ll explain later, but we need to get back to the office then collect our stuff so Jordan can lock up.” Aleks shifted from one foot to the other. He really didn’t want to explain it; James would think he was a freak, even if he didn’t think that already.

Aleks and James returned to the office in silence. James was unsure what to say, he was astounded by what had just happened and didn’t even know where to begin in terms of asking questions. Aleks on the other hand couldn’t believe he had let James see that he possessed some kind of power. The throbbing pain in his head was close to making him pass out but he couldn’t let James feel guilty, so he gritted his teeth and did not look at James.

When both men returned to their homes that night neither could get to sleep, the day’s events played on their minds over and over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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