Main Intro

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"Here we are." A feminine British voice spoke. As the door to an old workshop full of dusty gears and mechanisms opened to reveal a few silhouettes. The first was a young female with blonde hair tied into two pigtails in the front, reaching a little below her elbows with the back portion covered by a red hood and a cape that draped over her shoulders; falling behind her backside, reaching to her knees. An odd thing to note about this girl was the well groomed mustache on her face.

In her arms, she held a jar with a chef's hat on its lid and a nose as well as a mustache attached to it. Inside the jar was a strange purple liquid-like substance and two bright blue eyeballs.

Following behind her was a blue penguin and a yellow bird-thing? The penguin was dressed in an 80's disco outfit of sorts and had a huge afro to match. The shorter bird (who kinda looks like an owl but doesn't at the same time) was wearing a train conductor's outfit.

The two birds beaks were agape at the rustic interior. The jar that was in the girl's arms then spoke.

"This workshop used to belong to an inventor," The jar commented in a masculine voice as his mustache moved in a way to mimic him talking. His eyes then turned upward to look at the female, "That is what you said, correct?"

"Yes," The female replied, "I think his name was Thor and he used to create all sorts of crazy inventions. Until, he went looking for more materials one day and never returned."

"Well, aye donnae know who this Thor lad is," The yellow owl spoke with a thick Scottish accent as he picked up a partially rusted gear, "But aye got tae admit, he had good taste in steampunk."

"Yeah, I could make a few new intergalactic space props with these old materials." The blue penguin added while holding up two pieces of metal sheets that were still in good condition.

"Aagghh, really Grooves," The owl groaned, rolling his r's and dragging out the penguins name, "yer makin another loud an bright space movie? Ya know they ain't goin' tae win ya any awards. Never have, never will."

"Says the old-fashioned conductor, who's been making the same western movies for the past seventeen years." Grooves retorted back, smirking when he heard the sound of a gear drop along with an insulted gasp. The conductor then turned on his heel, stamped his foot on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum and pointed an accusing feather at the penguin's face with a scowl on his beak (and if he had visible eyes, they would be shooting daggers). "NOW LISTEN HERE YA-".

The mustached girl and the jar both shared bored expressions as they watched the two birds argue.

"Rivals. They never change, do they?" The jar sighed as the female just shook her head. She looked behind her and saw something that caught her eye and started walking towards it. "Hey, I was not complaining! Their arguing is entertaining to watch! TURN ME BAC-" The jar stopped speaking once he saw what the girl had walked to.

In front of the duo was a robot that was dressed in what looked like a janitor's outfit. Mustache girl looked from the robot's head to the jar in her hands. She then set the jar down on the table and began to examine the robot's head.

"What are you doing?!" The jar asked as he jumped a bit to shift his position to get a better look at what the girl was doing.

"I'm just trying something." She simply replied as she pressed a button on the robot's back. It's collar seemed to emanate a blue light as the robot's eye glowed yellow, an obvious indication that it was powering up. The arguing birds ceased their argument and turned their attention to the sudden electronic noises. Quickly, mustache girl pressed the button on its back again, immediately shutting the robot down. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at the robot's head. She then grasped its head and began to twist it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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