Chapter 17 -

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A/N sorry! I know I haven't updated in ages, sue me. I've been moving house so I haven't been online.


Aubrey's POV*

I woke up to an empty bed, but I could hear Klaus and Elijah talking outside the door.

"I decided to wait until after the birth of our son to purpose to Aubrey. I think it would be best if I wait. It would be best, right?" I hear klaus say, making me smile because he sounds nervous.

"Yes, brother. I believe waiting would be good." Elijah says calmly.

"Ok. Then I will wait." Klaus says before I see the door knob turning and pretend I'm asleep.

I feel the bed dip down next to me as indication that he has laid down next to me.

"I know you're awake, love. And I know you heard Elijah and I talking." He says playing with my hair. I roll over and come face to face with him.

"I didn't hear you." I lie, trying not to smile.

He leans down and pecks my lips. "Are you sure?" He says and pecks my lips again.

"Mhm. Yep. Didn't hear a thing." Yeah, I'm a bad liar.

He leans down and kisses me again. "Did you forget that I can read your mind?" Klaus asks smirking.

"Shit!" I curse.

I wonder if he would tell me when exactly he's going to propose.

"No I'm not going to tell you exactly when. All you need I know is it will be after the birth of Henrik." He says smiling.

"Fine." I say standing up and going into the bathroom. I hear klaus walk in after me and while I shower he brushes his teeth. I get out and see Klaus...doing his hair?

"Since when do you do your hair?" I ask wrapping a towel around myself.

"I don't. It's just this one bit at the front is sticking up." He looks at me and pouts. I laugh when I see the part of his hair that's sticking up.

"Don't laugh. Come help me!" Klaus whines.

"Haha ok." I walk over and wet my hands before brushing my fingers down through his hair.

"There. It's done." I say smiling at him.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He says before he starts kissing me. Our lips move together perfectly it was great...until Klaus decides it would be funny to rip my towel off me and run into our bedroom with it laughing like a maniac.

"Klaaaauuss! Give it back!" I yell from the bathroom.

"Hmm, nope. You have to come and get it." I can basically hear the smirk on his face as he talks.

I walk out of the bathroom blushing. I see his hands are behind his back with my towel in them. "There I'm out. Give it." I say holding my hand out for it.

"You have to come and get it from me." He smirks.

"Ugh." I say before walking over to him. Once I'm standing right in from of him I reach around behind him and try to grab my towel but he refuses to let go of it.

"Klaus! Give it to me!" I said before covering my mouth because I realised how wrong it was. Klaus just smirked.

"If you want I'll give it to you." Klaus says still smirking at me.

"Ugh." I give up and realise I've dried off now anyways and start getting dressed.

"Awww. That was meant to lead to something with....less clothing." Klaus pouts.

"Haha, maybe later!" I laugh. I walk downstairs to get breakfast when I feel a shooting pain go through my stomach and I fall to the ground screaming Klaus' name.

Not 3 seconds later Klaus is lifting me up and carrying me to the lounge whilst on the phone to Lucy.

After he hangs up he holds my hand and keeps repeating "I love you. You'll be ok, I promise."

After about 5 minutes Lucy arrives and begins chanting. Soon after that the pain stops. "What happened?" Klaus and I ask in sync.

"This baby has to be born now. Like right now. That pain you felt was because the baby is beginning to grow. And you will constantly feel that pain because of how fast it is growing unless I do a spell to speed up the birth." Lucy says.

Klaus and I nod and tell her to do the spell. She begins chanting and I see my stomach getting larger by the second.

"I guess we might get married sooner then we thought." Klaus says smiling but I can tell he's nervous.

I just smile until I feel my water break and scream out when I feel my first contraction.

Lets do this shit.


Next chapter will be the birth of little Henrik Mikaelson.

Thank you xx

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