Tummy aches and cranberry cakes

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Tummy aches and cranberry cakes

Needles and shots and chocolate milkshakes

Noisy lawnmowers and pretty blue eyes

Broken stereo sets and curly chili cheese fries

Smelly gym socks and twirling Merry-Go-Rounds

Midterms and finals and Christmas-on-the-town

Prickly thorn bushes and snuggly Cashmere sweaters

Homework on Fridays and playing Bananagrams when you got all the right letters

Muddy boots dragged across a clean kitchen floor

Laughing ‘til you cry, and you can’t laugh no more

Jumping in a pile of golden leaves you just raked

Tummy aches stink, but who’s up for cranberry cake?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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