Fantasies Of A Star

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{This is based off of a role-play I did. I role-play with this person everyday, and I don't know. I just thought this plot was gold. Also, let's say they're both legal age for this.}

||Based in modern times.||

Dallas was a grown man. Well, at least he was close enough to a man. With this, that does mean Dallas enjoys watching an adult film from time-to-time. He's not very particular with the film's he watches. Just whatever catches his fancy as he's scrolling through.

Although, he found something one night that Dallas thought was very much so, up his alley. Dallas had an old laptop that he used for this type of specific research.

Dallas had found a camboy website. It was full of all the sweet twinks and all femboys you could imagine. He had fallen deep into a rabbit hole looking through this website. Page after page of different Porn Stars that did different things.

He stopped abruptly on a specific person's page. They didn't have many streams posted, but they were in the middle of a stream. Right now.
Dallas clicked on the stream, he watched intently. This young man was already in the middle of fulfilling a fan's request. He was writing degrading words in red lipstick all over his smooth tan skin.

This person was wearing nothing but black-lace panties. The boy popped the cap back onto the lipstick. They spoke softly, 'Do I look pretty?'
That voice- it sounded... familiar? Dallas looked at the username: KickedPuppy_69

Dallas felt like those words could be familiar. But whom did that remind him of? Wait, could it be-

The young boy moved the camera so he could be seen in the frame. Oh my God...

'You can see my face now, I know it's not as good as my ass. But you can get a better look at all the words in this position.' It was Johnny; he smiled sweetly for the webcam. He pointed at the word Whore on his arm. 'I like this one the most. It's the most true.' He swayed his upper body a bit. 'Mommy and Daddy would be so proud... Anyways- I won't keep you guys waiting any longer. We can move on to the main even now.' Johnny giggled as he continue to put on the rest of the show...

After that, Dallas binge watched the rest of Johnny's videos. Dallas had had a crush on Johnny for a while now, and these videos were only filling his desires to be with the younger more.


Dallas couldn't keep this to himself. He had to tell Johnny what he saw-

They were hanging out together the next day. Dallas brought Johnny back to the room he rented out above Buck's bar. Dallas had lock the door behind them. He flopped onto his bed, kicking off his shoes and shrugging off his jacket. "Come sit down, Johnnycakes. The bed's fine!" Dallas joked, waving the younger boy over. He flipped his long blonde hair out of his eyes.

He was tense about talking to Johnny. Dallas wasn't completely sure Johnny was picking up on his tenseness. But it sure as hell was haunting, Dallas.

Johnny smiled and walked over. He flopped down next to Dallas, taking off his shoes and jacket as well. Johnny had no idea of any of the things going through Dally's head. He most definitely didn't suspect a thing. Johnny being a camboy was his dirty little secret. He loved the attention, he liked being degraded publicly. He just loved being a slut.

Johnny looked over at Dallas, he picked on some tension now. "Hey, are you alright, Dally?" Johnny asked softly.

Dallas blushed softly, he was brought out of his sinful thoughts. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." Dallas said, a little too quickly. Dallas wasn't totally lying, overall he was okay. But, the memories of Johnny's cam shows were gnawing at him. He needed to say something, "Actually Johnny, can I ask you something?"

Watch Me Move, Darling//JohnnyxDallas//Jally Smut One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now