Chapter 1.

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Authors note: I'm so sorry the first chapter was so short. I'm just really against dragging things out longer than they need to be.

Hanging out on the rooftop of an office building with his cat's kidnapper was not exactly the way Kilo Māhoe had expected his night to go but there was no turning back now. The cops were scouring the place trying to figure out who on earth broke in. He hoped they'd at least find his cat and bring it to the shelter so he could claim him later. At this point he wasn't even sure why he put up with that stupid cat. Cheeseburger was meaner than his mom after a visit with her Uncle Juan.

"Y'know if we get arrested, I'm throwing you off the roof of this building." Kilo's head whipped towards Jasper O'Connolly's high pitch voice. Jasper was his cat's kidnapper. Kilo is 90% sure that he and cheese were conspiring against him.

Kilo was indignant that this jerk was trying to pin the blame on him. "I'm sorry, who's fault is it that we're here? You literally tried to steal my cat". Jasper narrowed his brown eyes and let out a snort. He sounded like a distressed pig.

"Your cat came to me okay? He probably ran from you because you abuse him or something"

"I'm sorry? Have you seen how fat that cat is? I spoil Cheeseburger rotten. I have never ever abused Cheeseburger a day in his annoyingly long life"

"You named your cat Cheeseburger that's pretty much animal abuse."

Kilo wanted to wrap his hands around Jasper's neck. Cheeseburger was a great name and as much as Kilo claimed to dislike his cat he would do anything for that fat bastard. When Cheese had gone missing Kilo had been worried sick. He had posted fliers with a photo of the orange tabby all over the city. "Look man, can I just have my cat back?"

Jasper opened his mouth but before he could get a word out a police officer approached them. Kilo cursed under his breath and flashed a smile.

"Why hello officer! May I help you?".

The officer glowered. His blonde eyebrows were furrowed together and his chapped lips set in a thin angry line. The nameplate on his chest said Officer Klark. He decided christen him as officer smiley since he had such a lovely smile.

"Yes you can start by telling me exactly why you're up here at 3 in the morning?".

Kilo began to explain the situation but Officer smiley had indeed failed to comprehend the meaning of the word diplomacy. He placed a palm out, interrupting Kilo.
"Look I'm sorry but I'm going to have to place you gentlemen under arrest."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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