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I woke up to the sound of dull roaring; I got up to see what was going on. The air was so cold I started shaking and I put the hood of my cloak up. I wondered if Aslan came back. Up ahead I saw Lucy walking through the woods; she must have had the same thought. I quietly caught up to her and we carefully walked through the woods to see if we could find Aslan. We peered over the bushes to see a giant Minotaur! The sudden shock almost made me scream, but I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and the same was over Lucy's. "Don't move." Peter whispered sharply. He pulled out his sword and began to investigate. I was shaking so bad, suddenly we heard screaming and clanging of swords. I immediately stood up to find Caspian and Peter fighting! Peter pushed Caspian into a tree and his sword got caught, just then Caspian got freed and was about to throw a big rock at Peter! "No!" Lucy and I screamed. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking. The boys looked at us and saw how terrified we were. I then was elated that my brother was alive! "Caspian!" I exclaimed happily. He smiled "Amelia!" I ran towards him and gave him the biggest hug. He hugged me back for a long time. "I thought I lost you." "I thought I lost you too." I said still hugging him. After everything we have been through I'm grateful I still had my brother. "Prince Caspian?" Peter said in awe. Caspian stopped hugging me and looked at Peter coldly "Yes, and who are you?" "Peter!" Susan screamed running to where we were. Edmund followed and suddenly an exciting thing happened. Narnians surrounded us; centaurs, dwarves, Minotaurs, fauns, and every kind of creature imaginable appeared. I thought this was a dream, but it was absolutely real.
  Caspian studied the Pevensie siblings with curiosity "You called." Peter said proudly. "Yes, but I'd thought you'd be older." Caspian replied. This annoyed Peter "Well we can come back in a few years." "No, it's just you're not exactly what I expected." Caspian said apologetically. "Neither were you." Edmund retorted. Just then a mouse with a feather on its head and a sword at its side came strutting up to us "A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes." The talking badger said.
We have anxiously waited your return my liege." The mouse bowed to Peter. "Oh my gosh he's so cute." Lucy whispered to Susan. "Who said that?!" The mouse yelled looking around at who could have called him cute. "Sorry," Lucy said embarrassed. He became bashful after he realized Lucy was the one who called him cute. "Your Majesty with the greatest respect I do believe courageous and chivalrous would be more fitting for a knight of Narnia." The mouse bowed to her. It was comical to see a mouse acting like a knight. "At least some of you can carry a blade." Peter commended him. "Yes indeed! And I recently put it to good use gathering weapons for your army, sir." The mouse held up his sword. "We're going to need every sword we can get." Peter glared at Caspian, because he had taken his sword during the fight. "I supposed you'd be wanting yours back." My brother said embarrassed. Peter snatched his sword out of his hand and walked away. Susan was gazing at Caspian and she had this happiness in her eyes. When Caspian looked at her she blushed and walked away. I grinned "See what I've dealt with the past few days?" "I certainly can," Caspian laughed. "I see you've had an eventful time." we walked with the army. He nodded "It certainly wasn't easy, the Narnians aren't that fond of Telmarines." "I can imagine why." I replied. "I can't believe Miraz is causing so much pain for all these innocent people." I sighed morosely. "We'll stop him. I can feel it." Caspian reassured me.

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