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This is my first fan fiction so tell me what you think

I don't own glee or the charter Rachel berry or Finn Hudson that all Ryan Murphy


-Sydney *

Rachel POV: ( after Winter Break)

I woke up at 6:00 i had a very big headache I guess crying all night will do that to a person.I was still heart broken after Finn broke up with me right before winter break my dads were staring to get very worried about me.I haven't talked to them about him(Finn) it still hurts me so much.I can still remember when i told my daddy Hiram about how i cheated on Finn .It was the worst day ever


When I got home from our last day of school before winter break I had red puffy eyes and I was setting in my car for what seamed like hours I could see my dads were wondering what I was doing in my car and why I wasn't in Finn car making out with him.My daddy Hiram came out he knocked on my car window and since it was cold I unlocked my car door .We sat in silence in till daddy spoke

"What wrong Honey?" he said I just look over at him I know I had to tell that his daughter was a cheater.I thought about what I was going to tell him I could just rip of the band aid here we go i thought

"Finn broke up with me today" I said I could feel his Petty and it was the worst feeling ever

"Honey what happen?" he asked

i want to lie so badly but I knew it wouldn't make this any easier on anyone . I can't lie to him because he is my daddy and he knows when I am lying to him.

" I cheated on Finn with Puck because he slept with Santana and lied to me about it " I said I looked down the moment i said these words to my daddy .The next part of the conversation I didn't expect to here from my daddy Hiram Berry he said something that didn't make any sense.

" Every person in this world makes mistakes sweetheart that because we are human all you can do is learn from them" he said I was thankful i had him and my dad Leroy to make me feel better .


I was relieved it was my first day back to school after winter .Kurt and Mercedes took me shopping during the break because they felt bad after what happened between Finn and I they were fun and very helpful to me.I got in the shower and i felt amazing but then I realized I am going to see Finn Hudson my ex -Boyfriend who I still love very deeply this might turn out the worst day ever. I got out of the shower and went to my closet and I pick out a very cute pair of blue/dark pair of skinny jeans.Then I pick out a yellow shirt that said "Hello Gorgeous" that saying is from my favorite movie funny girl Barbra is amazing in that movie I watched that movie a lot with kurt this winter break.After I got my shirt I went further in my closet to find my black ankle boots . i looked at the clock and it said 6:20am so i had a little bit of time to go my hair i turned my curling iron when i got in the shower so it would be headed up by the time i was ready to use it.It took forever to curl my hair i look at the clock and it said 6:45am. i put on my make up very fast and put my stuff i my backpack and I ran down stairs my dad and my daddy were talking about something .I ran though the doors of the kitchen grabbed  an apple and my lunch money and kissed my dads goodbye and I was out the door by 7:10 am. School didn't start in till 8:30am but i always like to be there early. I started up my car and turned on the radio and my favorite song came on it was smile by lily Allen i started  to sing along

When you first left me

I was wanting more

But you were doing that girl next door

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