Peter's birthday part 2

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Winter soldier: Uh Tony.....

Tony: What!!??

Winter soldier: Steve told me to type

Tony: Yeah yeah... I know

Tell him I am apologising


Loki is online

Thor: LOKI!?!??!

Loki: Sorry

He slipped out

Thor:  Brother how could you....?

Loki: Sorry..... extremely sorry

Tony Stark: THOR!

Thor: I don't know

Spiderman: What's going on?

Mr Stark?

Tony Stark: Uh.... Yeah?

Spiderman: Is there any problem?

Tony Stark: No no....

Is there any problem guys?

Vision: Nothing

Hulk: Nothing

Black widow: Everything is just fine

Tony Stark: See.... Hehe

Spiderman: Then why are you guys yelling?

Hulk: We.....uh....uh...

Scarlett witch: Nothing.... We were just fighting over the name of the mission

Falcon: Exactly

Ant man: 😅😅

Spiderman: A new mission?!

Come on tell me about it

Tony Stark: Uh...uh.... Peter it's ...uh....not for teenagers

Spiderman: Why?

Tony Stark: Why? BECAUSE I said so....

Spiderman: Okay

So what's the full form of PBP?

Tony Stark: Hehe...uh...uh ...its....uh...

Winter soldier: It's Pile up BackPacks

Tony Stark: Yeah that

Spiderman: Cool!

Vision: Yeah

Spiderman: So I was thinking about today....

Tony Stark: Yeah

Spiderman: You know....its a special day....

Tony Stark: Really?

What's today?

Spiderman: You don't remember?

Tony Stark: Vision.... What's today?

Vision: Nothing....I assume

Tony Stark: What are you talking about, kid?

Spiderman: It's...uh...a special day for me

Tony Stark: Why?

Going on a date with MJ?

Spiderman:'s usually a special day for everyone

Tony Stark: Buck?

Winter soldier: Yeah?

Tony Stark: Steve please....

Winter soldier: What?

Tony Stark: You're older than all of us

Could you guess what is the kid talking about?

Winter soldier: I....uh....

I don't...know?

Tony Stark: Peter say it clearly

What are you talking about?

Spiderman: Nothing

It's...uh.... I thought you could hang out in my house today...

Black widow: We would love to Peter.... But we have this mission to complete

But Loki is there to accompany you

Loki: Yes... perhaps

Spiderman: Okay... Just come if you could...

Bye Mr Stark

Tony Stark: Hey kid!

Come over my place tonight

We'll have a party for completing our mission

Spiderman is offline

Tony Stark: You had one job to do....just one job!???!!

Loki: Sorry Stark

I'm heartily sorry

Tony Stark: AND you failed miserably!!

Hawkeye: You just disheartened the kid

Tony Stark: I know!


Just go back and get the things

Winter soldier: Then ....what?

Tony Stark: Then... Come over my place

Dr. Strange: I'm coming

You know that right?

Black widow: Don't worry

There is enough space

For you too

Falcon is offline
Winter soldier is offline
Tony Stark is offline
Scarlett witch is offline
Vision is offline
Black widow is offline
Thor is offline
Loki is offline
Dr. Strange is offline
Black widow is offline
Ant man is offline
Hawkeye is offline

Next part coming soon

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