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Richie: found a gun ga!

 Stan: that's a baby with a gun, BABY WITH A GUN-

Stan: I'm calling the police.. they hung up-

 Stan: it's a baby with a gun! I'm comfort eating.. that's just sugar

 Bev: aww it's a baby with a gun

 Stan: BABY WITH A GUN {flips chair}Stan: who sent you- was it Mike I will buy him a new turtle- 

Stan: does my life insurance cover babies with guns- oh it does

 Stan: alright get out! How bout we trade I'll take this and you take this takes gun and {gives him a lollipop} there isn't that better-

 Richie, has another gun:


 Stan, loads gun: no huh I'm aan with a gun what are you your just a baby your nothing, I'm sorry that was mean you don't deserve that your young here just take this gives him the gun

 Stan: oh,now it's a baby with 2 guns wheres the baby there's the baby WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE -

Stan, genuinely scared: GET OUT OF MY HOUSE-

 Stan: I'm hiding in the fridge now-

 Stan: y'know I kinda want him to shoot me so whens God like oh hey Stan how did you die idk maybe I was shit by a BABY WITH A GUN-

 Richie: laughs

 Stan: don't laugh at me your a sick baby with a gun-

 Stan: yeah it's not that easy to hit a moving target-

 Stan, got shot:.. you have to leave-

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