Runaways (M Libra x F Leo)

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WARNING: Some angst and potentially triggering content

F L A S H B A C K :

(they're ten and eleven in the first flashback)
Leo's pov:

I couldn't breathe. I'd been running for hours, running from my problems, running from my issues, running from my life.

My stepfather would hit me, he'd beat me and lock me in a shed, barely allowing me to eat or get water.

Last night, he was drunk and left the door unlocked. My things had been packed for weeks, I was just waiting for the right moment.

I peeked into a dark alleyway, somehow finding more comfort in here during dawn then my own home.

A few crates were strewn about, I rested on one, thinking of the many things my stepfather had done.

Soon enough i'd fallen asleep, knowing the risks of getting caught.

Libra's Pov:

Another day on the run. I'd been gone from home for six months, and to be honest it hurt. It scared me, but I honestly didn't mind too much. It gave me a panicked thrill. Almost too enjoyable for my usual hobbies.

I heard a few cars pass by as a dipped into the nearest alley, almost immediately noticing a frail figure.

"Hello?" I questioned, my voice shaking.

Approaching the figure carefully it soon came to my realization that it was a girl. A girl seemingly nine or ten.

Her body was thin, basically skin and bones. Cheeks hollowed out and bruises along her shoulders and back. Studying her carefully I noticed the ripped up hoodie that was tied around her waist, the dirtied tank top and the torn leggings she wore.

Not wanting to leave the obvious runaway alone, I tapped her, shocked that she jolted awake so fast.

"I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!!" The girls facial expression went from one of relaxation to one of sheer terror. Tears almost immediately sprung to her already clouded eyes.

"Oh, hey, hey. I'm not going to hurt you." My voice didn't help much as she was shaking with fear. "Hey, i'm not here to hurt you I'm just hiding out here and didn't want to leave you out in the cold."

She nodded, wiping her eyes with her dry hands.

Once I noticed the tension between us had been spared a smile creeped onto my lips, she had pretty eyes.

"I'm Libra."


- - - - - - - -
(now fifteen and sixteen)

"Shit shit shit!"

"Can you not cuss for .2 seconds, please?"

Leo rolled her eyes. "Never."

The two had become friends quickly and decided to run off together. It had been five years since they first met and things were different now.

They had gotten across the country, now in a much happier place. The two teenagers lived in an abandoned hut that they had fixed up to the best possible standards with the tools they had.

"Leo?" Can I ask you a question?

Confused, Leo looked up at Libra. "Yeah~ Whats up?"


They stepped out of the cabin-like hut into the forest. Birds chirped and the nearby brook babbled in the background.

"You're scaring me. What's wrong?"

Libra hugged Leo, she hugged back of course, though concerned and confused. Once releasing the hug, Libra wiped his brow anxiously.

"I-I know we've been friends for a long time and I just- I really like you, Le." At this point he was trembling, terrified she'd get angry and leave.

"Awe, Libra!" Leo jumped into his arms, hugging the shaken boy tightly. "You're too cute!"

Libra wrapped his arms around her timidly, full of regret.

"I like you too, silly!"

"Really?!" Libra's expression went from regretful to sheer excitement. Out of habit he bit his lip, ruffling Leo's hair.

She nodded. "Yes! Of course, you silly goose!"

"Do you.. maybe want to make things official?" Libra rubbed the nape of his neck, a cheesy smile on his face.

Slightly shocked but still ecstatic, Leo nodded excitedly, jumping into Leo's arms.

- - - - - - - - -

FLASHBACK 3 (now 18 and 19)

"I can't believe we're actually back in this old town." Leo mumbled, hand in Libra's.

"Me too. Oh, but before we stop for food we have a quick errand to run."

Libra gently put a blindfold over Leo's eyes, much to her dismay of course.

"Follow me, m'lady."

He pulled her into the old alleyway, setting up a crate.

"Sit." Leo obliges, her feet growing tired.

At this point Libra was panicked, growing teary eyed. as he knelt down. Shit, i'm scared."

"Don't be, lovey. Just tell me what's going on. It'll be just fine." Leo cooed, placing her hand on his knee.

"You can take your blindfold off now." In response to Libra's statement, removing the blindfold.

Libra was in front of her knelt down on one knee with a small box, inside it was a ring. Now, the ring wasn't expensive, it was simple.

Tears instantly sprung to Leo's eyes much like their first meeting.

"Leo, I.. I'm in love with you, have been since we first met. We met each other when we both were in really tough spots and we helped each other grow and overcome our issues. You've helped me so much. When I missed my siblings, when i broke down in the middle of the nights because the overwhelming loneliness was setting in. You made me feel more than i've ever felt in my life. Not only were you there through the worst times of my life but also for the best, When we used to dance in the rain and risk getting caught, back when we used to make up stories and count the stars. All of it. I'm terrified to lose you, Leo. You're the only person who's ever truly loved me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you.. marry me?" Throughout the speech Libra's voice cracked and he sniffled. Tears shone in his eyes and found their way down his rosy cheeks.

Leo was in shock, tears gradually making their way down her face, not stopping. "Mhm.. Yes.. Yes!" She wrapped her arms around him, sobbing quietly.

"Shh.. Hey baby don't cry." Libra sniffled, placing the ring on her finger.

"I do what I want!" She laughed, them both now sitting on the floor in a dark alley, happy as ever.

- - - - - - - - -

Present day (25 and 26)

Libra's pov:

We have a house now— and kids.

Twins, actually. One boy and one girl.

Our house is nice. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Perfect for our small close-knit family.

The best part is my wife.

A year after we got engaged we legally got married at a courthouse and started the rest of our lives together. She still looks beautiful as ever. Obviously since now we both have jobs and we're able to provide for our family we've both gained weight and gotten healthier. She still struggles sometimes with flashbacks and anxiety attacks but it's nothing we can't handle.

I knew the day I met her I loved her and I wanted her to be mine.

We had some sort of runaway love.

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