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The scent of brewing coffee drifted through the cracked bedroom door. Clyde Logan squinted his eyes against the bright morning light that blasted through the curtain-less windows. It took him several squeezes and blinks before he began to realize where he was. The wall was lined with carefully placed and numbered boxes, and minus the bed, was otherwise bare and empty. White walls. Abused weathered dark hard wood floors. The walls were peppered with holes and cracks.

Looking down, and covered with only a sheet, the outline of his engorged cock reminded him of what had happened. He scanned the room and listened to the sounds coming from the kitchen. It had been a long time since he had smiled, and it made his face feel odd, but he could not deny it felt good.

Realizing that searching for his clothes was useless, he decided to wrap the white sheet around his waist and make his way to the kitchen.

As he walked, he sighed. The haze and dreaminess quickly faded as he started taking a mental inventory of what he needed to do to her little house. He assumed with such complete conviction that it was his duty, it did not occur to him to ask Rey what her plans were. No, Clyde was already calculating cost and labor hours.

Stopping in his tracks, he took in the sight of her. Back turned and wearing nothing but his black button down work shirt, she was frying bacon. She was cooking him breakfast. and from the smell of it, it was extra crispy. With each movement and stretch to reach for the spatula, or the pepper, or whatever it was that she needed, he was given a glimpse of the soft tan curved flesh of her backside.

Clyde wasn't sure what he had planned on doing when he walked into that kitchen, but it didn't matter. His cock was hard, he was hungry, and she was everything he had ever wanted.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Sleep well? Oh my-" Rey spoke with her back turned until she felt him press against her. He reached up and turned off the burner.

"It isn't done yet-" She playfully protested.

Cutting her off, he used one big hand on her waist to turn her around.

Both wide eyed, they looked like teenagers- filled with adolescent awe and passion. Before she could speak he was kissing her. Full wet lips, not searching or asking, but hungry and confident.

Rey spent years arguing with friends that the word "swoon" was a joke and only created for bad romance novels and sappy romcoms. It was what elitist academics did to seem cool- criticizing anything and everything that was traditionally romantic.

But as Clyde Logan wrapped his thick strong arms around her tiny body, and his tongue pushed it's way into her hot mouth in smooth passionate waves she felt her knees go weak and a sound come out of her mouth that resembled a sigh or a moan. Clyde had swept her off her feet, and he knew it. She could feel his mouth curve into a sweet smile as he pushed his tongue deeper, pulling our yet another moan.

"Baby girl, I am going to make love to yew right here in this strawberry kitchen-" He said, pulling away to take a breath.

"Oh Clyde, say that again." Rey said smiling and closing her eyes.

"What?" He looked down at her, confused.

"Say that word again....say strawberry." She said softly, keeping her eyes closed.

"Little lady, yew gone crazy?" He laughed.

"I just love to hear you say it...your voice...I missed your voice." She said softly.

"Straaaw-berry. Is that better?" He said with emphasis.

"Oh yes, that is perfect." She sighed, knowing that the wetness between her legs was almost embarrassing, at least to her.

But it didn't seem to bother Clyde. When he hoisted her up, dropping the sheet to the floor, and wrapped her legs around his waist, he let out a loud groan.

"That doesn't bother you?" She whispered into his ear timidly, hugging him close as he walked.

"Baby girl, why would yew ask something like that? What kinda men have yew been with? My lord, no! This is what yew were made for...this is how it should be-" He muttered as he lowered her down on the old kitchen table. "Looks like I am going to have to educate yew on how a man is supposed to take care of his lady-"

"And how did you learn to do the army?" Rey asked shyly, as he pushed her legs open.

"Unbutton my shirt." He commanded.

"You sure are bossy." She giggled, fumbling with the buttons.

"Yes, in the army. I sure didn't learn it here." He scoffed at the thought.

"You been with a lot of girls?" She asked, unable to shake off the nagging curiosity about his past.

"Enough to know what is good and what is bad...and what is a weekend and what is not. And is that yew think this is embarrassing? You didn't seem bothered by anything last night" His voice became serious as he stroked her between her legs.

"If we are being honest...I have not been with that many men...and the ones i have...well..." She found it more and more difficult to form words as he fingers massaged and probed, sliding in and out of her pussy, Responding, she wrapped her hand around his cock that was hard and full, and bobbing against his stomach. "They were nothing like you... and last night ...could have been... my only chance."

Clyde did not respond. He stood silently, looking at her spread open and ready, and down at her hand stroking him.

"Well, it is a shame-" He looked at her with disappointment.

"What is shame?" Rey lifted her head off the table, looking up at him. She felt a sudden panic, that she had said something wrong.

"The house is just going to have to wait...ya see. It ain't right...yew having all of these silly thoughts...looks like we are going to spend some time doing a lot of this...and that...and some more of this-" He said, pushing her hand aside as he forcefully pushed his full length into her. The surly angry guarded Clyde was gone, and was replaced with a smoky dark determination.

Rey's eyes rolled back in her head as she let the feeling of his body fill her up. As he started to thrust his hips, it occurred to her that it took a certain level of confidence to do what he had just done, and for the first time in a long time- or maybe for the first time ever- she felt like she truly belonged to something. Not just something, but to the person she had always wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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