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Okay, I'm so nervous or to much excitement. Oh my dog, I'm finally doing this. Okay, here goes nothing


     Classic's Pov

There's something calling me.

Something.. urging me to go to that city.

Somethings... waiting for me.

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       Hi, I'm Classic. I was raised in an orphanage called Dreemhouse along with my brother Papyrus, we  live here as long as I can remember. I know my parents or family left me here for a reason, knowing that Papyrus and I was wrapped in a red crimson scarf, and names on each side of our place... and here I am gonna find out what happen.. to everything.

  I finished washing the dishes from lunch, and just finished all the chores in the orphanage with the help of my temporary siblings. I am now standing in the headmasters office, and wanted to ask permission to the head in leaving the orphanage again, and live a life on my own responsibilities and a some adventures. Papyrus and I already memorize the whole forest, and named all the creatures there is. I had my siblings who is addicted and loved animals, so they'll be fine and the second generation family doesn't mind doing house chores. I had this all planned, and took some research in 'google' on places to stay in the part of MULTIVERSE City, that is in 'I' city.. yeah.. the city is divided into 10 parts, but equally. All is good I just need to ask the head....

I knocked the door three times in an moderate sound not to loud, not to low. Then there comes a muffled 'come in' in the other side of the door. I held the door handle as I felt my soul pounding so hard, as if it is about to rip out of my chest. This will be my last time to ask for leave, and if she says no... well, I'm not going down without a fight. I'm gonna conbince her. I know I don't wanna leave them they were my family, I never wanted to get adopted knowing that I have my family here. But there's something calling me to go to that city, and I want to go- no, I have to go. That includes me leaving the orphanage, and it feels like it wants me to know something  earlier than expected.

'Come on Classic! It's now or Never.' I thought as I encouraged myself. I tilted the handle and open the door, seeing the owner of this orphanage.

"Oh, Classic. What brings you here?" A woman in a violet robe and white sleeves answered.

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