Ren Suzugamori x reader

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Anime: Vanguard

Your POV
I stared at the tall building in front of me while my hands shaking and sweaty. 'I'll show you big bro, I'll become the best vanguard cardfighter!' I said inside my head. Yes I'm (Y/N) Shinjou, Tetsu Shinjou's younger sister and I love Vanguard. "Team asteroid here I come.." I mumbled as I walked inside the enormous building.

"(Y/N)-CHAN!" I heard a voice coming but as soon as I turned around to look I was tackled to the ground. I could only see blue hair but it was not hard for me to recognise who it was. " H-hey Asa-chan get off of me!" I yelped. The bluenette just ignored me and began talking," you finally came back! It's been too long!". Asaka Narumi, we had been best friends as long as I can remember and we always had each other's backs.

"Asaka, get off of (Y/N)" I looked up to see my cold looking brother staring down at the two of us as if we were a bunch of buffoons. I couldn't really blame him, we did look like a bunch of lunatics strangling each other. Asaka got of me and muttered an apology. " Sorry (Y/N)- chan, I just got excited cuz I haven't seen you in a year!" She exclaimed. I giggled "It's alright, but you were kinda invading my personal space, but you are my best friend so I can let it go THIS TIME" I said highlighting her warning.

I looked up towards my brother and smirked, "Did ya miss me?" I asked him. He sighed and started walking towards me. He then patted my head messing my hair up a bit like it wasn't already messed up after the encounter with Asa-chan, "What type of question is that? Of course I did." He smiled down at me. I pouted and fixed my messed up hair. " So how was America? Did you have fun? Did you make any friends?, Did any boy try and hit on you?, Did any of them try to kiss yo-" he was rambling stuff that were making me embarassed so I gave him a small punch on the side. " Bro, chill!" I hissed at him. "Sorry I just wanted to know if you had fun" he nervously scratched his head. " I had a lot of fun it was the best!" I said grinning.

" Well anyways, I came here to join team asteroid" both Asuka and Tetsu looked at me, surprised. "Really?! Oh my god it's gonna be even more fun having you around now!" Asa-chan exclaimed while her eyes sparkled. " Although, you do have to try out in order to be accepted" Tetsu said. "I know, and I'll do whatever it takes" I said with a determined look. I'll do everything in my power to reach my dreams.

"Do you guys mind if I look around and explore, I'm just curious" I said. "Sure you can but aren't you gonna meet Ren?" Tetsu inquired. My eyes widened at his name and I blushed. Both Asaka and Tetsu smirked. " You dont know how much he misses you.." Asuka says. "Don't worry I'll meet him, after I explore" I said. Tetsu and Asaka looked surprised that I didn't want to see Ren right away knowing how close we both are. The truth was I was avoiding the topic 'Ren' on purpose of what happened a year ago at the airport..

1 year ago at Osaka international airport~

It really hurt me to let go all of my friends and family, not knowing if I would see them again or not. I thought as I sat in the car next to Ren. I looked up to see him only smiling a sad smile towards me. Tetsu was driving and Asaka was sitting in the front seat with him, while Ren and I in the back.

Once we reached the airport we got out of the car. "Well this is It.. " I said while tears threatened to spill down my eyes. Everybody hugged me and bid their goodbyes except for Ren, all he said was 'bye' I was saddened by that because I may or might not have a crush on him.

I walked into the airport but as I was walking, I felt a grip on my wrist. I turned around and saw my read-headed crush. "Ren..?" I asked out of confusion. Suddenly I felt soft pair of lips on my own. It was as if fireworks started to explode and little sparks came out. Then he lowered his lips toward my ear " Stay safe" then he pecked my cheek, and went away. I was too baffled to know what was going on that I didn't notice that he was gone.

Unconsciously I touched my lips, the warm feeling still lingered. The things you do to me..


As I walked around the halls I found a quite place where no one was. I used this time to take out my deck 'Oracle think tank'. I set my cards on the table while standing and looking at them. Suddenly i felt arms snake up around my waist and felt as if i was being pushed into someone's chest. As if I wasn't surprised already I felt warm lips on the nape of my neck , kissing it gently. I let out a gasp, only to be returned with a chuckle which was all too familiar. I could feel the person's breath on my ear as they whispered huskily " Ne (Y/N)~ no one told me you were coming~" I recognised the voice immediately " R-ren?" I asked

I instantly turned around to face him, but god do i wish that I had not, I was a blushing mess as a result from the previous actions. I looked at him, his hair had grown, his beautiful eyes oh how I would love to stare at them all day. I realised that I had been staring at him so I blushed and looked down, "S-sorry.." I said embarassed. I heard yet another melodious chuckle.

Ren lifted my chin up for me to look at him. " I missed you.." he said before leaning in and placing his lips on mine, while his hands travel to my hair stroking it gently. I was surprised but soon gave in and kissed back with my arms around his neck. He then pulled back and hugged me. "Don't ever leave me again" he said. " I won't " I replied playing with his red locks as he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck.

We were interrupted by a cough, most likely my brothers. I looked up to see Tetsu glaring at Ren and Asaka fan-girling.
"Ahem I think it's time for you to get off of her Ren" Tetsu says. Talk about over protective. Ren groaned, "What now Tetsu can't you see I'm busy" . Tetsu looked like as if he was gonna kill him
"(Y/N) is planning on joining Asteroid so we have to te-" Tetsu was explaining but suddenly got cut off by Ren, "Were you really?" He asked, I nodded in return. "Well let's get to it shall we?" Asaka said

I was battling some kid named Kyo who seemed to have an arrogant attitude. Brat ( Sorry kyo) he was at 5 damage while I was at 2, dang have I gotten better or is this kid weak? "Damage check.." Kyo said, "no trigger.." . "With that (Y/N) wins the match!" Tetsu said. "No way! How can SHE win against ME?!" Kyo argued Asaka, Tetsu and Ren looked like they were gonna pull his head off, he noticed it and began to back away nervously.

"Welcome to the team (Y/N)!" Asa-chan gave me a hug. I smiled in return. "You've gotten stronger" Tetsu says while ruffling my hair making it messy yet again, but I couldn't care less right now, My eyes widened at what he had said. 'Did my brother just compliment me?' "Really you think so??!" I asked. But this time Ren replied, "Yeah you have gotten better!" He said as he pecked my cheek. "Come on Tetsu let's leave these two alone" Asaka said as she dragged an angry looking Tetsu out of the room.

"I love you (Y/N)" Ren said. I blushed and mumbled, "I love you too..".

"What was that I couldn't hear you?"

"Idiot you heard what I said!"

"Aww come on say it again please~"






I felt him kiss me again , his hands travelling up my waist. He licked my lips asking for an entrance but I playfully denied. He groaned and put his hand on my leg making it travel up to my skirt to my inner thigh . I gasped which gave him a chance to enter his tongue. When we pulled back, he rested his forehead against mine.

"You're mine, all mine"

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