CHP 8 Looking Out For You

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To celebrate the 1K reads!! I decided to make this chapter a bit longer than the pervious one as a sign of gratitude to all of you. You guys are amazing. I love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️

Please enjoy it!! (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


Amy opened up her eyes and turned to the nightstand beside her and grabbed her phone. She was completely worn out become of the late night she decided to pulled on to study.

Her tired eyes then went wide open when she sees that it was 8 o'clock in the morning. Her class was supposed to start at 8:30 a.m and she only had 30 minutes to get ready. She jolted from her bed in panic not caring that her quils was a mess.

"Why didn't you wake me up!!" Amy yelled, looking at Sonic's bed only to notice that it was empty with no blue hedgehog on site.

"That idiot!! How dare he!?!" Amy yelled to herself frantically grabbed a towel and rushed towards the bathroom and closed it behind her.

She was about to get into the shower when she accidentally slipped from the wet floor and landed on her back. She groaned from the impact, her head and back was in deep pain.

'Just my luck...' Amy sarcastically thought to herself while getting up from the floor. Her head was pounding violently but Amy shook it off knowing that if she were to waste any more time, she'll be late to her class.

She held on to the nearby sink to keep her in balance, her vision was getting blurry causing her to stumble onto her feet while approaching the shower. Thankfully, she managed finishing her shower despite the painful pounding of her head.

She exited the bathroom in a rushed and quickly getting herself ready. She wore a smooth colour long-sleeved cardigan with white shirt underneath it, matching with her white jeans. She tied her quils into a simple ponytail with a black bow.

Having no time to put up her makeup, Amy exited the bedroom in a rushed and went straight down the stairs

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Having no time to put up her makeup, Amy exited the bedroom in a rushed and went straight down the stairs. She looked left and right frantically searching for a particular cobalt blue hedgehog.

"Is something the matter, dear?" Amy heard a motherly voice asking her. She looked ahead of her and noticed her mother in law was looking at her questionably while sipping her tea at the dining table.

"Have you seen Sonic anywhere?" Amy asked breathlessly, trying to catch her breath.

Aleena tilted her head in confusion putting down her cup of tea. "He just left to go to work a few seconds ago" Aleena informed.

"What!?!" Amy exclaimed as her eyes shrunk to the size of a small pea when she heard the sound of a car leaving the garage. She ran towards the door and saw her husband's car was driving away.

"No, no, no wait!!" Amy yelled trying to catch up to the car but it was already speeding away leaving the pink hedgehog behind in the dust.

'Ugh!! That hedgehog!!' Amy thought to herself, fuming with rage. Now what is she going to do?

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