In The Beginning

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Heard... Never Seen...

Sensed... Never Felt...

Always Watching...

Always Near...

That was my protector's code since the day I was born.

I am told he was the one my parents made responsible for my safety and the safety of our people in the Time Of Great Strife. He did what was best for us. He faked my death. He gave me to the mortals, the wizards, and the creatures so they could teach me, protect me, guide me, and keep me pure. It was their duty as I was the last and only uncorrupted and innocent heir of Magicks. The last hope. The only thing standing in the way of Chaos.

I was barely a day old when I was sent away. My parents were the ruling decendents at the time and I am told that they were two of the best rulers that the Decendants had ever seen, their only fault; they trusted too easily and it lead to the ruin of the empire. They were good people though; fair, just, kind, loyal, loving, courageous. Everything I hope to be, but I'm getting ahead of myself now. If anyone is going to have any hope of understanding my story if this is ever found, then I must start from the very beginning.

I've been passed from race to race for as long as I can remember. I first lived with the centaurs. Next, the unicorns. Then, the dragons and Selene's Children followed. The "Dark Creatures" also were very welcoming. The Phoenixes followed by the ingenious magic-less mortals then the wand waving mortals had their go. And my lifetime tutory finally came to a close after Lady Magick recognized me as her true heir, but the journey matters more than the destination and it was during my time with the stick-wavers that my life suddenly became... Complicated, or rather, much more complicated than it had already been before.

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