Chapter 5: Art class

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Danny dog: (looks at Tikal)

Badcc: yo Pedro

Pedro pony: ya bro

Badcc: why is Danny looking at Tikal, and why is his face pink?

Pedro pony: I don't know? Hey Danny you good?

Danny dog: (wakes up) AAHH

Pedro pony: Oops sorry for waking you up.

Danny dog: nah that's fine.

Pedro pony: why are you looking at that girl over there?

Badcc: I think Danny is in love.

Pedro pony: Really Danny you like her?

Danny dog: (Blushing) Yes..It's jus-..she is so cute.

Badcc: Ooo I'm going to tell her.


(Badcc rans to Tikal but Danny try's to stop him)

Badcc: ooo Tikal!! Guess what Danny Lo-

(Danny tackles badcc)

Tikal: yes who said my name?

Danny dog: (blushes) Um Um hi?

Badcc: chill out Danny It's was just a joke jeez.

Tikal: what's a joke?

Badcc: that Danny Loves-

Danny dog: Loves to go out for a walk he means.

Tikal: oh that's nice Danny I love to go for walk too.

Danny dog: (blushes, and smiles) hehe.

Danny dog: Badcc you almost told Tikal that I'm in love with her!!!

Badcc: sorry man maybe that joke was not funny at all.

Danny dog: no no not funny.

Rebecca rabbit: (inside mind) Danny loves Tikal??
Aww man. (sad)

(Bell rings)

(Rebecca rabbit pushes Tikal)

Rebecca rabbit: ha you fony.

Tikal: (drops stuff)

Danny dog: oh no. here let me.

Tikal: oh thanks Danny.

Danny dog: no problem

Danny Dog X Tikal Where stories live. Discover now