Tom the story

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Once there was a boy named Tom. And he was 12. He lived with his grandparents. His parents died when he was only 5. From then, his grandparents upbringed him with so much love and care that tom never felt the feeling of lackness of his parents. His grandpa William had a job in a small chocolate factory. He had this job for the past ten years. This job was the source of money that runs their entire household system. One night when grandpa William came back from his work, he sat down on his chair and called Tom. and told him to sit on his lap. When tom sat down grandpa asked him that what he wants for his birthday that is after 1 week. Tom replied by saying There are only two things that I want to be my gift every year. At this grandpa replied Go on my little boy tell me what is it? Tom had a glimmer of love in his eyes as he replied by sayingYou and Grandma. Upon hearing this, Tears of joy fell from grandpa's eyes and he kissed Tom. After two days, Grandpa's health began to deteriorate. He became so sick that he had lost his job. Grandma Jane became so worried. Now she was thinking that how would our house system work. She herself was so old that she couldn't work. Tom was a very smart kid. He intended that he would do something to earn money. He had a passion. Because all he wanted for his birthday was his grandparents. And he didn't want to lose them because he loves them so much. The next morning, he picked up the shoe polish and a brush and went straight into town to clean people's shoes. In the evening, grandma jane became so worried about him because tom had left the house without telling her. She was also so worried because they had nothing to eat in the house and they didn't have the money to buy food. When tom was in the town doing work. A man came to him and asked why are you polishing people's dirty shoes? Tom replied Because I want money and I will not beg anyone. The man said You know you can steal money and I will help you with this. Tom replied No thanks and after this, he went to his home. He bought some food and medicines with him. His grandparents were surprised to see and asked him where did he get the money? Tom replied: I earned money by polishing people's shoes in town. His grandparents became so happy that this little boy has so much determination and hope in him but at the same time, they were also worried about him. The next morning, an idea hit upon Tom's mind. He decided to cut off the small thin branches of a tree, carved them out with a knife, and made small toys. After making about 15 to 20 small wooden toys, He went to the town to sell them. He sold those toys and earned more money. Many people in town tried to discourage him, But he was a strong, smart, and brave kid. Tom was a little boy but he had big dreams and goals. At this small age, he wanted to earn his own money so that his grandparents can live their remaining life peacefully and happily. He had many drawings, He filled every page with good colors and sold them the next morning. People laughed at him but tom ignored all of the people and didn't take a step back. The next morning 2 men were talking about their business across the crosswalk. Tom was also standing there and hearing all of their discussion. They were discussing the business problems that they were facing. Tom gave them the best idea and solution that they both were shocked after this. That how can a little boy be so intelligent. They asked him about his parents and tom told them about his life. After this, those men Hired Tom as their business partner. They take all of the advice from him. Now tom was studying in a good school and his grandparents were living in a Big Mansion. 

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