The Written and Practical Exams

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Two months later. During the two months of summer break, I have to get ready for the UA entrance exams I wanted to only study and use my abnormal strength to be the practical exam. Of course, that was before my quirk manifested. I'm a late bloomer. Now, I plan to train my quirk while working on the information needed to pass both exams.

Another two months later and the day of the exams. The written exam had a few grammatical errors as well as informational errors and I ended up correcting them and finishing the "harder" written exam.  After the written exam was over we were told to head to the auditorium after being told the directions. In the auditorium, we were told about the point system of the practical exam to get into UA's Hero course. The points went with the robot type or appearance. 1 pointer was the weakest and generally small. 2 pointers were bigger and stronger by a slight amount. 3 pointers were stronger and bigger. 4 pointers were slightly stronger than the 3 pointers and are bigger. 0 pointers were the tallest and strongest of the five. We were told to run if possible if we encountered the 0 pointers.

After the explanation of the point system and safety precautions that we should take, we were told to move to one of the simulation cities. I was put into a simulation city with just toga. That was because we both corrected the written test and finished with 100% each. This meant that the principal acknowledged that we should attend the school. We were given the privilege of being by ourselves for the practical exam because of our unique intelligence.

After waiting for around ten minutes we were given the go-ahead to start the exam. We are supposed to destroy robots to get the most amount of points. The amount of time we had was around 10 minutes. The test was checking out our physical strength and agility and our quirk's strength and speed depending on the quirk. Skipping to the end of the test, everyone was told to go home and wait for a letter from the school. The letter informs you about whether or not you passed and what class you will be attending if you got in or not. It can usually take up to three days to get sent. I went home after checking on my sister. After we arrived home we told our mom that we possibly passed and could be excepted into UA. She believed Toga, but she didn't believe me as she still thinks I don't have a quirk.

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