Chapter Sixteen

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Amalie woke up early in the morning feeling happy. She got up from the bed and walked to the living area of the suite. Summer would soon be over and all this would be put behind her. She just felt good about everything.

She walked to the balcony after putting on a robe and making a cup of coffee. As she got to the balcony she breath in fresh air and breath out. She rested on the railing and took a sip of her coffee. It was her last week in Miami and she hasn't done anything interesting.

She got back inside and woke Petra up. Petra ignored her the first time causing Amalie to open the curtains so her Nine year old daughter would get up. When she did Amalie told her the plan she had for today. Happily Petra got down AMD rushed to the bathroom.

On their way to Carlia's bookstore they stopped for chocolate and candy. Petra was very excited as they got out of the shop that she collided with someone.

"Watch were you're going you little tramp."

Amalie looked up to see who just called her daughter a little tramp. She wasn't shocked at all when she saw who just insulted her daughter.

"Don't you ever call my daughter a little tramp Isabella."

"Oh its you Amalie! Nice to see you and your unstable puppy."

Amalie turned angry, vexed she was about to give Isabella a long lasting injury when her daughter stopped as she held her hands.

Isabella laughed "You listen to a puppy now."

"Isabella watch it.."

"Why should I? What the hell are you looking for here?"

"It is none of your business and it will never ever be." Amalie walked away but before she could Isabella stopped her.

"Since you are here why don't you come for my wedding."

"Its only a bastard that would marry you."

Isabella laughed about to give her a reply Amalie walked away. She could her Isabella cursing from a distant. Amalie didn't turn back but laughed.

"Oh..You must be Petra." Carlia hugged Petra. "Always wanted to meet you" she drew back from the hug "You're so beautiful."

Petra blushed and said smiling "Thank you miss."

"Call me Aunt Carlia." Petra nodded and left the ladies alone. "So what happened?"


"With Travis?"

"It was okay we talked..I'd try and trust him.. Don't want to rush things between us."

"I get you..Take as long as you can." Amalie smiled at her friend. They walked to another shelf to place books on the shelf.

"Guess who I met on my way here?"

"Guess? Who was it?"

"I said guess."

"I don't know.. Tell me." Carlia left the books and stood in front of Amalie. "Who was it?"

"Okay fine..It was Isabella."

"Huhn!" Carlia said unhappy "Heard she's getting married."

"Yeah she is.." Amalie gave a sarcastic laugh. "She gave me an invite."

"Wow!" Carlia sighed "I just dislike her so much."

"I can see that. Just hearing to her name makes you angry."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why did you ask?"

"Well Isabella is getting married after taking the money and showing up to your office."

Amalie smiled and paused "I don't care what she does..She had done what she wants to do. If I continue to feel vexed I wouldn't be here today."

Carlia smiled and hugged Amalie "I wish I was you."

"You're perfect the way you are." They drew back.

"Let's go out.. You'd soon leave Miami let's go on a tour."

"Do we?"

"I'm sure that's why you came out with Petra..let's go."

"Okay ..okay!"

Travis dropped his pencil for the fifth time that afternoon. His mind wasn't on what he was sketching. He was trying to focus but as she was about to his mind raced to what his uncle said.

Who ever this girl is tell her about Isabella.

As he was taking his mind of that his sisters warning would ring into his head

You don't want to loose Amalie. Tell her about Isabella.

Trying to forget what his sister said Williams voice would ring out

Tell her if not you'd hate the outcome.

Travis left is office and walked to the kitchen to brew coffee. He needed to get his head together so he could finish the EllaDoks building before the deadline.
While he made his coffee he walked to the living area and switched on the Television something to distract him from thinking about what he is to do.

When his coffee was done he took it and walked back to is working area. He picked his pencil and started to sketch then stopped when Isabella and Amalie's face brushed his face.

He dropped his Pencil. Took his coffee and walked to the balcony of his apartment. He stood there imagining how life would be with Amalie and Petra when Isabella's face came to the picture. His kind was telling him the same thing his family was telling him.

He and Isabella are over so there was nothing to say. They've both moved on. He has moved on and Isabella was doing what ever she liked with her life. They hardly talked so why tell Amalie.

Agreeing to his head he walked back to his office. Blocked all the thought that was distracting him and started to sketch getting Isabella and Amalie off his mind.

Amalie, Carlia and Petra got on the roller coaster after paying their tickets. As soon as they got on it everything bothering Amalie was forgotten.. She looked at her daughter and could feel the excitement radiating from her.

She felt free from everything holing her back. When they got of the roller coaster the feeling that had somehow gone came back. She was scared of trusting again. She was giving her best in that area but things didn't seem to go right.

After what Travis had done, trusting him became hard for her. She knew Travis type was rare but her feelings mattered to her also. Petra's feeling mattered more she wasn't ready to trust a man that would hurt her daughter.

They got on another ride and she forgot about trusting. She was going let her guard down and go with the flow. She loved Travis, Petra loved him also. She wasn't going to stop loving him because he had showed her she can be loved like no one ever did.

When she was around him she forgot about what her relationship status was and the reality hitting her face. She felt free but nowadays there's just a strong wind blowing above them.

After the other rides they stopped to have lunch. They left the amusement park and went to one of the biggest malls in Miami to shop. After shopping they went to bowling house to spend the rest of the day before they got tired.

Tell her before you regret everything....

What's good guys?
How you all doing?
Do you think Travis should tell her or keep quiet about it since the marriage was over?

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