The Darkness

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Ben Solo, no, Kylo Ren, sat in a room where the walls were a crystallized black, obsidian from the magma that had populated the entire planet with a single ball of light hanging from the ceiling above him, a small hum could be heard in the room as it buzzed. 

He had a lot to think about. 

The First Order was his. Snoke was dead. The Skywalkers were all but demolished, victory was within the grasp of his hand, he could feel it. But the girl, Rey, was his only obstacle to achieve that victory, no doubt she was slowly getting stronger with the Force, possibly being trained by his mother. 

No, Ben Solo's mother, not his. He was Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order and soon to be the ruler of the galaxy. 

He had been training as well, perhaps not as hard as the girl, but he didn't truly need it. He was strong in the Force, he could feel the power of the Dark Side coursing through his veins. He took a deep breath, the sound of the humming from the light made his eyebrows furrow, interrupting his concentration. 

The buzzing slowly got louder and more apparent and Kylo's nose curled in a snarl as his eyes opened, ready to shatter the light above him with the Force but he couldn't help but suddenly crawl backward out of fear and shock as he saw the glowing blue figure in front of him. 

Standing before him was none other than his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, looking at his grandson with a sad smile. "I thought that leaving things be in the galaxy was the best course of action." His calming and smooth voice spoke as if filling the room as Kylo couldn't help but stare in amazement. 

"Is this a trick?" Kylo asked skeptically. "How can you stand before me? You're dead." 

"Both sides of the Force lead to many abilities some may consider," Anakin began, pausing for a moment before continuing. "Unnatural. Anyone can learn to use this power if they are strong enough in the Force, I was lucky enough to uncover its secrets before I died." 

"Are you here to teach me, grandfather?" Kylo asked, his voice holding a slight bit of desperation. "Are you to teach me the ways of the Dark Side? I'm a Sith!" Anakin shook his head, disappointment coming off of his body in waves that Kylo could easily detect, anger flooding his system. "Then you have no business being in my presence, begone!" Anakin was quiet for a moment before speaking.

"Why do you call yourself a Sith?" He asked, catching Kylo off guard. 

"What? What do you mean? Of course, I'm a Sith!" Anakin slowly walked around Kylo, the latter not moving a muscle as his grandfather observed him. 

"No, you are not. Not really. You're more like an Inquisitor if I were to be perfectly honest, or an assassin that serves a Sith, but no a true Sith, and with the ways things are heading, you won't ever become a true Sith." Kylo glared at his grandfather. 

"Who are you to tell me who is a real Sith or not? You were weak!" He snarled. Anakin chuckled.

"Because I've faced Sith before, Ben," Kylo growled, but Anakin continued. "All of them had Darth. Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, and Darth Sidious. You are not Darth Ren nor Darth Kylo, you are just Kylo Ren. All true Sith have Darth in front of their names." Anakin lifted his hand, Kylo's lightsaber coming undone from his belt as it flew towards the ghost's hand. 

Anakin immediately caught it, activating the lightsaber as the crimson red blade ignited, the red glow lighting the room even brighter than before, it being pointed directly as Kylo as sweat began forming on his brow. 

"Your blade is unstable, unrefined," Anakin said in a chastising manner. "Your Kyber Crystal has not been fully bled, you don't hold enough hatred in you to do that, hence why it appears to spark like so." Anakin then met Kylo's eyes. "Your eyes are also the same color as they were before. When a Sith truly gives in to their hatred, truly gives themselves to the Dark Side, their eyes are turned into a piercing yellow, you do not have those eyes. You have the eyes of a frightened and confused child." 

"You know nothing!" Kylo shouted, using the Force to grab his saber back and pointing it back at Anakin. "You say all those things yet I see nothing! You were weak, you couldn't even kill your own son! You were one of the strongest Sith to ever exist and you failed! I'm better than you! I killed my father!" 

Anakin sighed. "You're right, Luke, my son, was my only weakness." Anakin then suddenly changed, the soft blue glow he had been giving off before then disappearing before it was replaced with a harsh red glow like a lightsaber could provide, suddenly dressed in black. 

"But I have no such weaknesses," Darth Vader said, his deep and dark voice sparking a fear into Kylo Ren's heart that he had never felt before, not even when his uncle had stood over his bed with the intent to kill him! 

"W-What is this?" 

"This is the presence of a true Sith Lord," Darth Vader said as he took a step towards Kylo, who quickly backed away from the man he had practically worshipped. "You ask for training, but you are too weak for the basics. You don't know the power of the Dark Side!" 

Darth Vader rose his hand, his fingers pinching the air as Kylo felt his throat begin to constrict, his feet lifting off the floor as his hands went to his neck as if it were to relieve some pressure. "I destroyed Jedi Order, I've decimated armies. You are but a weak imitation of myself and yet you call me weak?" 

Vader pushed forward, sending Kylo Ren back with the Force as his back hit the obsidian rock wall, a large crack forming. "This is the power of a true Sith, a definition you are barely scratching at. You know not what you speak of, you were born and formed of ignorance, and one day, if you do not destroy this week persona of yours," Kylo fell to the ground, his hands caressing his neck as his grandfather towered above him, the loud breathing his respirator caused still making Kylo's heart beat faster from fear. 

"Then ignorance will be what destroys you." A red blade appeared as Vader activated his lightsaber, the refined smooth energy that came from the lightsaber stood mere inches from Kylo Ren's face. "Or perhaps you would like to perish here instead?" 

Yes, this was the man he worshipped. This was the man who destroyed all of the Jedi, who took down the Republic and built an Empire! This was the man who took on mass armies of rebels and massacred them like fodder! This was Darth Vader! 

"You can't kill me," Kylo Ren said as his breathing slowly got back to what it was before Vader had appeared. "You're just a ghost! Your time has already passed!" Vader tilted his head, meeting his grandson's gaze, the impassive look of the mask no longer sent shivers of fear down Kylo's back. "And even then, I'm your blood! You've shown your own incompetence when it comes to that!"

"Would you like to test that theory of yours, boy?" Kylo froze. There was no hesitation in Vader's voice, he was utterly serious. Was this the power of the Chosen One? Could this being really kill him beyond the grave? 

He would not test that thought. 

"As I thought." Vader said before he disappeared. 

Kylo Ren looked up and saw nothing, he was alone once again. That was the power of a Sith. He closed his eyes, a smirk appearing on his face. 

He had much to learn. 

So? How was it? Just a one-shot but I thought of the idea and thought it was pretty good. I'm a Vader stan and I know damn well he would crush Kylo Ren and Rey with ease. It was pretty fun to write. 


Til next time my lil demons! 

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