Chapter 26: Christmas Eve Present (Third Person)

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"No, we are not going swimming, Lottie. It's like zero degrees outside."


"Not now, Lot. I'm thinking of what to get Cathy," he says, tapping his foot violently on the carpeted floor.

Playing with his pen, he crosses out another item on his list. He annoyingly groans, putting his head in his hands.

"You do realize that Christmas is three days from now?" Lottie comments, plopping herself on the couch, munching on her favorite holiday snack, candy  


"Yes, yes. Don't need to remind me, Lottie."

"What have you listed so far anyway?"

"Er, well, a Tiffany & Co. necklace-"

"Nah. She won't like that."

"A Chanel bracelet? The on with the gold-"

"Nope. Cross that out."

"What? Fine. Heels? Sneakers? Sandals?"

"No, no, and no. They're all too cliché."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, do you think Cathy's that kind of girl? Materialistic and all-designer crap?"

"Well, no. It's just, I don't know what she wants. She already got me an awesome present. I'm just seriously tense."

"Dig deeper, big bro. Think about it." And with that, she licks her fingers and walks out the room, skipping as she hums a tune he wasn't familiar with.

He lies down on the bed and put his head on the pillows, tired of crossing and writing things on his list. He hears the creak of the door and familiar sound of footsteps.

"Hey Butterfield," Cathy beams, tossing her satchel on the floor, sitting on the comfy bed. "Why so glum?"

"Nothing, it's just post-Christmas anxiety."

"Ah," she nods, tucking her hands delicately with his. "I'm glad I can spend Christmas with you."

He smiles at her, feeling guilty for not thinking of something she'll love for a present. "I'm glad I can too, Stones."


The whole house was radiant. All the lights were lit, the ornaments glowing, presents neatly wrapped, table wonderfully set, floor cleanly polished, furniture glossed and fireplace warm and comforting.

It was Christmas Eve.

Everyone was dressed up, the elders in classy outfits, and the children in festive wear. Cathy wore a red dress, with a gold and white trim around her waist and hem.

Asa wore a red and navy blue stripped long sleeved button-up and a pair of black slacks. Lottie was in a green skirt and red blouse, with a matching white scarf.

All the candles were giving off a sweet vanilla and cinnamon fragrance, the pine trees outside making the night even more festive.

The table had all the food that got them on their toes: golden chicken, mashed and baked potatoes, ham, grilled steak, roast beef, sweet corn, and fruits of all sorts that were freshly picked, of course.

After saying grace, they all divulged themselves with the wonderful food, Lottie at times gobbling down too much, Cathy stuffing a large amount of mash potato in her mouth, and Asa engrossed with slicing his beef as his father sings all the possible Christmas carols.

"Bryce, why don't we just play the Christmas CD. You're breaking all our eardrums, sweetheart." Margaret complains, picking up their newly bought CD and propping it in the player.

They all laugh, as they raise up their glasses, fifteen minutes till midnight. "C'mon, everyone. Let us celebrate the event!"

"Cheers!" Their glasses clink together, all of them grinning as they take a sip of the grape wine (which Lottie happily drank).

"Y'all are excited to open your presents, huh? I sure am!" Bryce exclaims, chucking as he finishes his drink. They nod, as they gobble down the last of their meals.

When they finish, they all go to the living room, surrounding the luminescent Christmas tree. It smelled like honey, decorated with all sorts of festive decor. Their stockings were stuffed, especially Lottie's (they were filled with her favorite puffy stickers from Justice) and the atmosphere was absolutely lovely.

"Okay, you go first, Lottie."

Lottie happily bounces to the tree, picking up all her presents and setting them down on the red fur carpet. She excitedly rips them all open, disregarding all her Mom's annoying exclamations.

She got a new pair of doll shoes, they were in her favorite color, red from her Mom. From Asa, she got a fairy tutu and LaLaLoopsy doll (which their cat was running from). Cathy had bought her a sparky pink satchel and glitter nail polish.

Their parents got each other matching outfits, and the children got Margaret jewelry (emerald, her birthstone) and Bryce new golf clubs.

Asa went up next, receiving a new pair of sneakers from his Dad, a looping music machine from his Mom, a glittery card and tickets to his favorite band.

Cathy gave him another present, which was her painting of his favorite scene in a book. He gave her an appreciate kiss on the cheek (he couldn't go further since his family was there).

Cathy went last. She was gifted a pair of aqua earrings from Margaret, with a matching silver ringed bracelet from Bryce. Lottie had gotten her a new pair of leather boots from American Eagle (her favorite store to buy them) and a candy necklace she made herself.

Asa turns to her, smiling as she puts on her skittle and lifesaver bracelet, chewing on one of the beads. "Your present is upstairs, on the veranda."

"You didn't have to, you know." 

She says, as the rest of the family trods back to their rooms, waving the two goodnight.

"Oh, yes I did." He guides her up the stairs, her hand intertwined with his. They reach the veranda, and he swings the door open.

She gasps, her hand flying to her mouth. Her eyes grow wide, and are flings her arms around him, who completely off guard, gets knocked off a little.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I LOVE it, Asa!" She releases him, as she turns to state at her present.

It was a silver and black polished telescope. It was perched up on a tri-pod, turned up to the direction of the stars. It was just like she wanted. She always wrote it on her wishlist. Now she finally got her own.

"I love you, you know that, right?" 

She sniffles, wrapping her arms around him again, her head resting on his chest.

"I love you too, Cathy. And yes, I do."

She closes the space between them and presses her lips unto his. He returns the kiss, with more fever than she was used to.

"Wait, Cathy. You don't have to do this, you know. I can wait. We don't have to rush things."

"I want to, Asa. I don't want to wait."

"I know, me neither. But it's just a bit too early. I love you, and I always will. But I think we should wait."

With a sigh, she nods. "Yeah, I guess we should. Take things slow?"


"And plus, your parents are home. That would be very embarrassing."

"Yeah, wouldn't want them to walk in on you practically eating my mouth off." He jokes, as she hits him in the arm.

"Hey! You were just as aggressive as I was, you know. And it's not like you didn't like it. Asa Bopp."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, love. Whatever you say."

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