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i ran to my boyfriend newt who was sprawled out on the floor leaned up against some boxes the black sticky liquid oozing out of his mouth dripping onto his shirt. i fell to my knees beside thomas and looked at my boyfriend. he had it. the death virus had gotten him.
"newt put me down!" i screamed as newt picked me up and hung me over his shoulder. "no love,you made this mistake it's your fault you didn't listen to me and stole frypans snacks you know how he feels about his kitchen."he said. i started beating my fists on his back until we finally got to the slammer "newt i swear when i get out of her i'm gonna-rip my face off yea i know" newt said cutting me off. " it's only one night love and you already ate so you'll be fine." no it would not be fine. what if the grievers come? how in the hell am i supposed to get out of here? " newt i swear i will do anything, please can you just convince ally for me this one time and i won't do it ever again" i tried compromising but he only shook his head and looked down. he sighed looked me in the eyes and said " fine y/n but only this once just because your cute" he said looking down at his feet."but only on one condition" he said looking back up at me."what?" his face turned red and he started rubbing his hands on his shorts." you have to go on a date with me" i looked up at him,smiled and said" that would be great" his face lit up and he smiled got up and walked away." a few minutes later newt came walking over there with a smug look on his face unlocked the pit and helped me up." so when's our date?" he looked at the ground and said" tomorrow night at the deadheads i'll be waiting" i nodded my head looked at him and kissed him on his cheek
"y/n! i need you to go with minho to go get the serum." thomas looked at me pleadingly. i sighed looked at newt kissed him on the cheek and started running.
flash forward
it has been a few days since we arrived in paradise. a few days since we lost theresa and a few days since i lost the love of my life. i miss him so much. minho and thomas have tried to talk to me but i really don't feel like talking. he was my everything. the only person who could cheer me up when i was sad. or pick me up when i was at my lowest i found a rock wall and carved newts name into it and started to make the line.
i heard someone crying softly in the woods knowing who it was i started walking to the woods and stopped when i saw newt curled up in a ball crying.i walked to him and sat by his side rubbing circles on his back with my fingers. after he calmed down a little bit i asked him"what's wrong?" he looked at me with red puffy eyes and said " ben was one of my best friends and now he's just gone." i missed ben too but  it was what we had to do before he killed one of us. instead of saying that i just wrapped my arms around his waist laying my head on his chest. i felt my eyes getting droopy and then i passed out. i shot up from my bed looking around to see where i was, " newt must have carried me back to my bed after i fell asleep" i thought. i went to turn over until my body was stopped by something hard. i looked down to see a snoring newt sleeping peacefully. i laid back down wrapped my arms around him and fell back asleep
fast forward
i hadn't noticed i started crying until the tear drops flooded into my shirt i fell to my knees cried until i had no tears left to cry. why. why did it have to be him? why couldn't it have been me? i got up off my knees and started walking to get water. when i saw thomas looking out into the ocean playing with the sand. i walked over to him and sat down beside him and looked at the waves. " it's all my fault" i heard him mumble under his breath. i turned my head to look at him " no it isn't thomas stop saying that. he was infected we couldn't do anything to stop it. he is in a better place now." thomas looked at me tears in his eyes and buried his face in my shoulder. i could feel the wetness pouring onto it but i honestly didn't care i pulled him closer to me and sobbed into his shirt. it felt good to get this out finally. once we were done crying we looked at eachother and smiled " newt would be calling us weak shanks right now" he said chuckling softly i smiled at him "listen, it's time to enjoy our freedom from wicked and enjoy the rest of our lives we are only kids and have so much left to live. he nodded and hugged me." newt gave this to me before know and he said he wanted me to give it to you."he handed me the note and walked off.
dear y/n,
i hope you're doing okay without me , i love you so much and i don't want you to be sad for the rest of your life. go out and live it! i want you to know that i will always be there and no matter what i will never stop loving you,you are my everything and i don't want you to be sad. so please,for me go out and live your life.
i love you y/n
the tears dropped onto the paper and i smiled "i love you too newt"


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