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'I decided to sleepover at Taehyung's house because he said he was "Lonely" I don't know but.. I'm just staying with him to get his computer password- Oh! I forgot to tell you that I cried in the bathroom for 54 minutes trying to figure out his password WHICH he didn't want to tell me the password and I am now crying on his couch, soo yes mhm that's me!' "Why are you cry- Ohhh I didn't give you my password," He laughed, "Dudee don't cry you'll know it yourself one day." He smiled cutely at you, "Ah shut up I'll never know it! Urghhhh!" I sad frustratedly. Suddenly Taehyung carried you bride style, "Wtf Taehyung put me down you stupid!" You said while trying not to fall, "Nope! Not until you stop crying! I hate seeing you cry baby~" He said that actually made you blush a little, "Ew I'm not your baby! Now go get me ice cream!" You said demanding Taehyung to get some ice cream, "Aww~ my baby wants ice cream~ cutie~" He said with the CUTEST FUCKIN' SMILE EVER! 'Bitch I can't describe it, it's like a boxy smile, basically his smile is shaped like a square- you know what i mean' "Bitch please, now put me down!
He He you can clearly see that Taehyung likes Hyunda😄
Next ep will be better I promise

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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