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Author: Ok enough! u are gonna take her to the room SnowWhite and confess one way or the other
*Hawk was blushing like crazy*
Everyone except hase: Yessssssss
Rose: What are u guys talking about? confess what??
Lingling: Rose its so obvious.
Rose: What is?? did i miss something
Author: Ok enough chitchat. Teleportation Magic
*hase disappears*
Astoria: Where did u teleport them to?
Author: the room over there now quick cast the spell before they can escape
*Astoria casts the spell*
Joy: Aww frogs i wish we could see them confess
Author: Who says we can't?
*Author takes her wand and something appears*
Travis: What is that??
Author: that my friends is a crystal ball we can now spy on our otp ship
Shawn: yess 😍
*everyone looks at Shawn*
Shawn: What? im a huge fan of this ship
Meanwhile back with hase
Rose: Whoa! where are we??
Hawk: i don't know but look theres a door maybe they accidentally left it open.
*hawk tries to open the door but fails*
Rose: wait they said that the door will only open once u confess something to me.
*Hawk blushed*
Rose: Hawk is it smtg embarrassing don't worry i won't laugh
Hawk: its... i...i....l...l...lookroseihaveacrushonu
Rose: wait did u just say u have a crush on me
Hawk: y...y..yeah rose i totally understand if u reject m..mmph
* Rose pulls his collar and kisses him*
Hawk: woah!! so um was that a yes.
Rose: what do u think *she smiles*
Everyone: Awwwww !!Yesss wohoo!! hase is official.
*the door opens and hase arrives and everyone cheers*
Shawn: Finally Hase is official
Lingling: my otp ship
*hase blushes while everyone is talking about hase*
Author: Ok! enough now the next person is going to be Travis
Travis: WAit WHat!!! why me???
Author: Because i said so! Now t or d
Travis: no way am i choosing dare truth
Author: *evil grins* whos your crush.
Travis: 😳 NOOOOOOOOO!!! im not answering this question.
Rose: U have to besides we already know whos ur crush. Right everyone?
Everyone except Lingling: Yup
Lingling: who is it??
Travis: its Lingling i have a crush on lingling
Lingling: WaIT u HaVe A CRush On Meeeee???? well thats funny cause i have a crush on you!!
Travis: Wait u do??? Today is my lucky Day
Everyone: Oooooooooohhh
Joy: Finally u admitted it now Author theres still one more ship that has to set sail.
Author: Yeah i know what u mean joy now travis can u do the honors *author nudges him*
Travis: Hey!! what  was that for? Ohhhhh. Um ok Shawn ur next.
Shawn: Why me????
Travis: Because i said so!!!
Hawk: Travis don't turn as bad as Asher.
Author: EXCUSE ME!!!! SnowWhite i can kick u out of fairytale land if u make fun of me is it clear.
Hawk: Crystal 😓😓
Travis: Ok Shawn t or d
Shawn: im not a coward i choose dare
Travis: Ok u asked for it i dare u to spend one minute flirting with Astoria
Shawn: *blushed with Astoria* Umm No way im not doing this
Hawk: Oh Yes u are a dares a dare
Shawn: fine. Sooo um Astoria ur very smart and pretty.
Astoria: Ummm thank u *was squealing on the inside*
Shastoria shippers: Awwwwww
Timeskip to After Shawn flirting with Astoria
Author: Ok guys thats enough for today. Goodbye
Hawk: Where Did She Go????

(Guys so im super sorry for not updating like in forever online school has got me so busy i don't have time for myself but i will try updating when im free its really fun coming up with dares and truths but if u have any dares make sure to leave them in the comments below)
Peace Out ✌🏻

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