V : A stranger

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Spade's POV

She told us everything. Including her being a cross-dresser just to stay in this special dorm. Of course, I was shock and almost threw a tantrum... I mean, who wouldn't?! Your sister is spending the nights with 6 men! Who knows what would happen?!

Thanks to Janine, it was prevented. She explained things thoroughly and I came to understand that the special dorm was their only choice. To be honest, I think it was just luck that those men haven't found out yet that Axeil is actually a girl. I'm actually thankful that they are dense. Its so obvious that she is a girl.

"Now that your reunion is complete, I have some special annonncement." Janine said in a stern voice. "Tomorrow is the annual masquarade ball. Everyone must attend. I'm just informing and reminding you cause your the only one who has no knowledge of the upcoming event." she said pointing at Axeil.

I raised a brow "Huh? But you said annual. She's been here for 3 years, how come she has no idea of this event?" I asked.

"That's because during announncemnts and events like this... SHE DISAPPEARS LIKE BUBBLES!" she screamed.

Axeil still is a rebel as usual. Hayzz... Some things just can never change can it?

"Ayokong pumunta~" she whinned. "Ang hirap gumalaw sa isang gown!"

Janine eyed Harprency and Artemis. As if by telepathy, they had the same idea. They smirked at Axeil causing her to shiver in fear. "You shall attend the ball." they said in unison.

"Ayoko! Hindi ko rin lang alam sumayaw!" she lied.

"Such a petty lie" then they chased her out, trying to capture her.

"Girls." we, guys, said in unison.

There was defening silence until I broke the ice "S.T, did they made a move yet? Any changes?"

Kyle looked at me. "Wala pa namang galaw na nangaling sa kalaban. But... I recently recieved a report from Kuya Michael saying that a girl was being targeted by S. T. They told me that she was almost shot to death. Luckily she was not. People around her didn't seem to notice since none of them turn towards their direction."

They must have used a silencer. S.T. what are you up now? I closed my eyes "Kyle, in what place did they exactly found the girl?" I asked in a calm voice.

Someone suddenly entered. "Park. She was alone at the park. Long time no see Spade, Kaz, Shion, Apollo. I'm guessing that the girls are with you guys too?" Michael asked. I know since his voice is far too familiar to even be mistaken by another.

"Describe the girl" Kaz commanded.

"She was wearing jeans and a black blouse. Her hair color was raven black and it also has a few light red streaks, just like my hair but longer. Her left eye was colored gray while the right was colored red."

I shot my eyes open. Tsk! "They already found out." I muttered. Its been 3 years. They really waited for her to turn 16... This is not good.

"They found out what?" Ivan asked.

I ignored him and turned to Kemen "Kemen. Its been 3 years and I haven't analized your report about S.T. yet. So tell me, have they been making some kind of drug?"

"Yes. Its already been completed this past few months. They've been selling this and according to my research, its for manipulating people." This is seriously not good. I gritted my teeth.

"Were gonna be staying here for a while." I said. "Have any vacant rooms for us?"

"Meron naman tayong guest rooms dito, nasa kabilang building katabi ng faculty. Ipaalam niyo nalang sa principal na nandito kayo.." Leo said petting his cat.

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