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"You let her meet the family?" Henry crosses his arms and leans his back against the wall. I continue breaking down another box until it's flat and throw to in the pile of others.

"Yeah, she's always going out and getting plastered every weekend so I brought her to my sisters party last night just so she could have some good, clean fun that wouldn't have her walking around at night by herself, drunk, and half-naked."

"She. met. your. fam-il-y, bro!" He speaks slowly. "Stop trying to make it sound less serious than it is."

"But her brother is like family to—"

"Bottom line, you don't let any girl you're interested in meet your parents unless they're sticking around for a while. And you haven't even went on an actual date? Fucked? Kissed? You messed up."

"How, man? We're not doing anything. Trent wanted me to keep and eye on her, so I am."

"Okay." He huffs out a short laugh like he has more to say but won't.

I barely glance at him and grab the last box.

It's a slow night. I wish it were the opposite so that he could leave me alone with my thoughts instead of making me feel a thousand different ways about last night.

But honestly that's all I was doing. Diverting her away from the things that fuck up her life and giving her a good time without all the complications. And without asshole Manny.

"Just...what happens when you two are doing something? It's going to happen. It always just happens with you."


"It's gonna get messy—"

"She's seeing someone." I pause, wiping my slightly damp temple with the back of my hand. "Either way, I'm not trying to fuck her or anything. I'm just looking out for her. She's like...a sister to me."

It felt stupid coming out of my mouth. It felt like a lie. It was both of those things. It was also denial. Years worth of denial all laced into one stupid, little, hesitantly said sentence, and if Henry could clearly see through it, it was only a matter of time before everyone else could too.

"Yeah. That's what they all say, bro." He lifts one shoulder like a shrug and taps the wall before heading back out to the bar.

I slip my phone out of my front pocket and wake the screen.

Briefly, I consider texting her, but let the thoughts disappear as soon as I realize I have no reason to. What could I say?

Right before I can make a decision of any kind, a text rolls in.

Yesenia: I'm waiting for you by your car.

I sigh, letting my body hunch forward even deeper before raking the loose strand of hair that frames my face up with the rest of my hair.

I clock out for break and head out to the parking lot through the back door.

There she is, just like she said. Leaned against my driver side door, holding up a take out bag with a smile on her face as soon as I shut the door.

I greet her with a kiss. It's empty, habitual, obligated. "Thank you, you didn't have to..."

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to."

I take the bag from her and join her at her side, unrolling the bag. My mouth waters as soon as the salty smell of fries hits my nose.

"How's work going?"

I shove a handful of fries into my mouth as I think back on the conversation I just had with Henry. "It's slow."

"Well less work for you then, huh?"

"Yeah, but I'm bored as shit. Day is dragging."

She places her hand on my arm as I bring the burger to my mouth and rubs just the exposed skin. "How about when you're off I meet you at your place? I can guarantee you won't be bored."

"I would, but I'm just tired." I toss the remainder of the burger back in the bag, my stomach feeling suddenly full when I catch the look on her face.

I don't mean to constantly reject her. I don't mean to be a heartless dick all the time, but I'm not bold enough to tell her the truth. That I'm just not that interested...because frankly, I'm interested in someone else.

"I didn't want to be this girl, but I have to ask." She takes a breath. "Are you seeing someone else?"


"Are you sure, because it really seems like—"

"I'm not, Yesenia. I just got some stuff going on that's preoccupying me."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

About how I'm starting to get attached to my best friends reckless baby sister? Hell no.

I shake my head.

Henry was right. Something's bound to happen. The way she looks at me, although I know it's innocent and not at all done in the same respect I am, I don't know how much longer I can pretend it doesn't make me want to abandon all respect I have for both her and her brother and just do all the things I can't stop thinking about doing to her.

"Well if you ever change your mind and want to talk about anything, you know I'm always here for you."

For some reason those sweet words were eye-roll inducing, but I held back. She didn't deserve me being so cold to her just like I didn't deserve her patience with me.

I really didn't deserve anything she gave me. Her bringing me lunch, her good morning and goodnight texts. Her open availability for me. Anytime I called, she'd stop what she were doing and head over to where I was.

And ever since I started worrying about Joselyn, I haven't done that and I'm sure it's obvious.

"Thanks." I pinch her chin in my fingertips and plant a short kiss on her lips. "I'm gonna head back inside. I'm hoping I can finish early so I can leave sooner...but I'll text you later."

She nods, her eyes scanning every inch of my face, but doesn't say a word.

I listen to the crickets as I walk across the lot and back inside. I pace the backroom, the hum of appliances loud and clear as I comb my hair out of my face again.

A sudden thought has me stop still and pull my phone out of my back pocket.

Me: I'm picking you up at 1. Be ready

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