Poker Face (HUEHUEHUE x3)

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A/N: I am sorry for all the mistakes in this part! It's 4 AM and I just finished it...*sweat drops* I know Sebastian is mental in this part but please bear with me XD. Please leave reviews becuase I'd appreciate it! Thank chu *^.^* Oh and this mayyyyyyy be a lemon. What do you guys think? I'm kind of new with this so sowwy >,< Byeee <3

EDIT LIKE 3 YEARS LATER EW: so this is one of the cringiest things ever. my stories are still pure cringe, but this one... this one is especially. it was my first fanfic like ewajinwlwmlw. i was like 12 when i wrote this aha that's sad. ANYWAY just wanted to warn you guys. sorry if you continue to read this :')
"Dammit... We let him get away!" Ciel yelled as he paced through his study. "Sebastian! Why the hell did you not capture him?!"

"I was simply following orders, young master." Sebastian responded with a small smile.

"Yes, and I ordered you to captu-" Ciel was cut off by the demon's chuckle.

"If I am correct," the butler paused, "and I know I am, then you said: 'Do whatever it takes to protect me.' Is that not what you said, master?" His smile was simple, no feeling in it. His eyes were a different story. They showed compassion, and caring, but of course Ciel didn't see that for he was too busy bitching about this little case.

The young earl stared at his feet, embarrassed of his mistake. "Oh... That... That was stupid and careless of me. I was only thinking of my well-being. But wait... Sebastian?"


"Wouldn't you capturing him sort of been like protecting me?" The boy stared up at his butler, with his eyes fumed.

Sebastian simply stared blankly, lost in the eyes of his one and only master. He thought the angered expression on his young master's face was nonetheless adorable. He laughed softly, leaving Ciel flustered.

"What is wrong with you? This is serious, Sebastian!"

"Pardon me, but why would I let some uneducated, filthy maniac even as close as an inch to you? You are mine and mine only. The day I let someone else touch you, is the day I devour your soul." Stated Sebastian harshly.

Ciel was left speechless. "B-but... You can't... y-you... YOU CAN'T JUST EAT MY SOUL WHENEVER YOU LIKE! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'LET SOMEONE ELSE TOUCH ME'?!! This is idiotic..." He massaged his temples, clearly confused and aggravated. "That man was a murderer. Now he's off in who-knows-where doing who-knows-what!" He sat down on his chair with his face in his hands. "Sebastian," Ciel almost winced at the words that were to soon leave his mouth, but he immediately put on a serious act when his butler's full attention was on him. "I am not yours, nor will I ever be. We made a contract and until that is over, you will serve me. No further relationship. Just a master and his demonic butler..." He drooped his head as those last few words slipped from his lips. His bangs were covering his visible eye, therefore not letting the demon see his young master's expression.

Sebastian was filled with shock. Just hearing the words 'I am not yours, nor will I ever be,' were enough to kill him. He was surprised he even felt this way. He knew that their relationship could never be something more than a master and his demonic butler. He cringed at the thought although he knew it from the beginning. Why did he feel so weak all of the sudden? There was a dark atmosphere now along with lingering silence. Sebastian had to say something otherwise he might die from the quietness.

As he opened his mouth, he could see what looked like his own master shaking. He heard a faint cry followed by a low whisper. Sebastian cocked his head to the side. "Young master? Are you okay? My apologies for saying such inappropriate things at this time."

"I... need..."

"What did you say?"

"I.. no...not why?" The young earl started to raise his voice although it was shaky.

"Why, what? Please don't mutter. I can hardly hear a wor-"

"Why? Why do you care for me so much?"

"What..? I-"

"PLEASE! Please.... Just answer me honestly.... Don't play with me." The boy finally looked up. He was staring straight through Sebastian's soul, well if he had one. His eyes were red and puffy with tears falling down his soft cheeks. You could see his right eye, the purple one that shows the mark of the contract. The eyepatch fell off while Ciel was wiping his eyes.

Sebastian felt as though he could fall apart. Seeing Ciel cry made him sad, but in a way he thought his young master was cute. He cursed himself for thinking such thoughts at a time like this. Nothing could help him from thinking those thoughts, though. Ciel was sitting with his thighs together, his knees together, but his legs were pointing away. He was wiping tears from his eyes and he was just plain adorable. He almost resembled a moe boy.

Sebastian kept thinking of all the things he could do to Ciel in the state that he was. He mentally slapped himself, trying to rid of the fantasies and think of a reasonable response to his master's request. Truthfully, he cares for Ciel so much because one day he is to take his soul. But if you want something more emotional and from the heart, he cares so much for his young master is because he feels something different when he's around Ciel. He can't exactly explain what. With Ciel, Sebastian gets over-protective easily, his chest starts to hurt, he will blurt out things he doesn't mean, but most of all, he feels as if he belongs with Ciel. He feels that even if the contract didn't happen and he wasn't a demon, they still would've found each other and ended up together. Sebastian was the one who wanted to see Ciel have his revenge. He wanted to witness every moment of Ciel's life with him.

Maybe this could be... the infamous love? Sebastian thought to himself. I've researched quite a bit, and all my symptoms point to love. I've never fallen 'in love' before though. The more I think about it though, the-

"More it makes sense... I guess I do love him.."

Ciel's eyes became wide. "Wh- what did you j-ju-just say?"

Fuck. Of course this happens. Thanks a lot, Sebastian.

Hey! Don't talk to me that way, Sebastian. Quit the attitude!


Gasps! I feel hurt. Hey isn't Ciel shocked by what we said?

Oh yeah. I guess we need to say something, huh?

Yeah... good luck! *disappears*

Wait.. That uh. I hate myself.

(That was Sebastian talking to himself in his head! You're welcome. *bows*)

The young earl was staring intently at Sebastian. "I order you... to repeat what you said, now..." His voice was still shaky, but he sounded a bit pleased.

"Young master, with all due respect, I believe what I said a moment ago was nothing other than a thought I was having about cats."

The room became silent. Both, Ciel and Sebastian, held poker faces.

"Ex-excuse me? I am dead serious here." The boy wiped at tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I gave you an order. Now follow it. Actually, I now order you to tell me what you think about me. Do you.... love me?"

Sebastian was taken aback by the question asked. There was nothing he could do now. He had to tell him.

The demon gave his best smile to the young boy. "Yes, Master... You wish to know how I think of you? You wonder if I love you. Am I correct?"

Ciel hesitantly nodded.

"To simply put it, I love you. You're all I think about when I'm alone, I can't bear a thought of you with anyone else, my chest starts to hurt when I'm around you, I have dirty thoughts about you; about us. Ciel Phantomhive, I love you."

Yes, Master.. Black Butler FanFic Yaoi ( SebastianxCiel ) [ boyxboy ] Sebaciel OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now