~ Part 1 ~

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Hi, y'all this is the first chapter, it is kinda short though so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it.

My name is Lee Myung but I usually just go by Myung. I was born in Seoul Korea where I used to love the art of contemporary dance, but when I was little I moved to the city which never sleeps, New York. I was brought up in a luxury life where everything handed to me was on a silver plate, I never cared though because even with all the money in the world I never felt happiness, until I met him that is. But the more money which came in meant less time with my family. Since I was alone half the time, I usually roamed the streets of NewYork which made me realize my passion was fashion. I created my own clothing line dedicated to streetwear, it was pretty small though because I didn't want to use my parent's money to help me advertise. I thought my whole life was planned out from there, I would graduate with tops marks, get a scholarship to Parsons The New School for design, Travel around the world, and make my brand worldwide.

one morning I woke up and went downstairs to have breakfast, only to realize both my mom and dad were there. I was more confused than happy though like I needed to take a photo because this was a once in a lifetime thing. But I knew they were at home for a reason.

Myung's Mom: Myung honey we have news

Myung: don't tell me your pregnant

Myung's Mom: What no, does it look like it? I think I should start my morning jogs again.

Lee Myung's Dad: honey you look beautiful, anyway what your mom and I wanted to say was that we're moving back to Seoul, Korea.

Seoul?! We're going back! I don't know if I'm happy or upset. My whole life was set and now we're going back only to start all over again. Like are you serious Its the middle of the school year and my clothing line just started to kick-off?. But I knew even if I tried to change their mind, their mind was already set. I knew some people from my dance group, but we were young, so I never had a phone to keep in touch. 

We left a week later, and as we drove up to our new house we passed by a park, I couldn't get a clear look all I saw was a crowd of people surrounding a street dancer which seemed to wear a baggy tracksuit with a bucket hat and a mask, kind of like he was trying to hide his face. As soon as I was done unpacking I went downstairs to see if my parents wanted to go out and eat, but like usual they were on their phone. So, I decided to go to the nearest café, when I sat down someone, more like their outfit though which caught my eye. I think It was the hidden street performer from before. But why is he still covering his face? I approached him trying to not make it creepy

Lee Myung: Sorry to bother you I'm Lee Myung, I moved here today, and I couldn't help but notice that you were the street performer from the park.

Stranger: How can you tell I was the performer? There are so many parks here.

Lee Myung: well you see I couldn't help but notice your color coordination threw your whole outfit, and the accessories are all cohesive with each other.

Stranger: wow I never thought of my outfits in the way you see it, fashion must be your passion.

sry y'all I just had to include it, anyway back to the story.

Lee Myung: That's exactly what I say, but what's your name?

Stranger: one question though, how's your music taste? Do you listen to kpop?

Lee Myung: well I like music but I don't really listen to kpop that much.

the stranger then removed his hat and mask so I could see his full face.

Hoseok: oh that's cool, my name is Jung Ho-Seok. I'm so sorry we just started to talk but I need to head back to the studio to work on more choreography.

As he left the café he looked back and waved bye. I returned home and passed out on my bed while sketching out outfit ideas from Hoseok's dance fit. I wish I slept properly though because tomorrow is the first day of school.

Don't worry y'all the person or the rest of the people you're waiting for will come soon 😊💜 also is it just me or are you guys binge-watching literally every BTS vid during this quarantine.

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