Chapter 01

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Hello, this has been something I have wanted to do for awhile and after two weeks of convincing myself here we are. I want to say thank you to Lunaddit for doing my cover art.  Voltron and the artwork for each chapter is not mine 

Team Voltron were on an easy, quick,  get in and get out mission. It was a small ship with minimal security and Pidge was able to cloak her lion to get into the ship while the black and blue lions distracted the small amount of security they had.  Their main job was to take valuable information,  free prisoners, and neutralize the commander and his crew.

Once they got inside the ship, Shiro gave them directions in their comms 

"Keith" Shiro ordered " I need you and Pidge to go hack into the ship's database and see what they know.  Hunk and Lance, go see if they're any prisoners on the ship and if so release them and get them to an escape pod. I will stand watch."

 Pidge and Keith sprinted down the hallway, until they had reached the control room. Pidge began to download the information from the ship's database and transfer it to the castle's computer. Keith stood watch and took down any galra soldiers who were trying to stop them. 

When Lance and Hunk got down to the prisons cells there were a huge amount of prisoners. Lance looked at Hunk with an awed expression and said " Lets go to work, this is going to take awhile." Hunk just responded with a nod.

After about five minutes Pidge yelled over the comms " I have finished downloading the information from the hard drive, we are going to go and help Lance and Hunk with the prisoners, how is it going down there, Shiro?

" So far there has only been a couple of guards, but I will continue to keep my guard up on the three lions"  he responded


"Emperor Zarkon, Voltron is attacking, what would you like us to do" Commander Driktug said quickly over the video call. 

 "Fight them, and do not let them get away with any valuable information. As for you Commander, I have a different plan."


With the extra help of two more paladins, the rescue was now going much quicker. Almost every single cell was full, and within in each cell was 5 or 6 injured people so the process of getting them to all of the lions took awhile. As Pidge was searching through the cells she was also keeping a keen eye out for her brother and father. She had convinced herself they were still alive. The possibility they weren't was unbearable to think about.

 Soldiers were now pouring into the landing bay the lions and Shiro were in. As Shiro was hurriedly fighting them off he failed to notice as the commander and about five of his best soldiers went around the back of the lions.

"Guys I need a little help down here" Shiro said frantically. "Alright we are almost finished here these guys can lead the prisoners down to the lions I am coming to help you." Keith ran down the hallway to wear the lions were at. He pulled out his sword and started to help Shiro take down the robotic guards. 

A couple minutes later Hunk, Lance, and Pidge were leading around 90 former prisoners down to the lions. Pidge looked a little disappointed since she knew her brother was not with them but she got more info from the data she collected that she could analyze when they got back to the castle. Hunk went to go and help fight the galra soldiers as Lance and Pidge divided the prisoners into three groups for the lions.

As Lance and Pidge finished escorting the last of the prisoners into the three lions, they called for Hunk, Shiro, and Keith to retreat to the lions.

When they left the ship they immediately called Allura and Coran to let them know that they were coming back and they needed a couple of healing pods for some badly injured prisoners. When they all had landed back in their hangers they brought all of their prisoners to the med bay to get them bandaged up and find their original home planets, if still alive and in good condition. If not they would send them to the rebels allegiance where they would find good homes and keep the ones who wanted to stay and help fight in the war. 

After they figured out where all of the prisoners were going and they were just waiting for ships to come and take them to their designated place Pidge went up to Shiro. 

"Hey I am going to go down to my lab to analyze the data I got today and see if there is anything useful on the hard drive, if that is okay with you?" 

"Yeah," Shiro responded, " just let us know if you need anything"

 "Sounds good" she said and started to walk down to her lab.


Driktug and his best five soldiers look around the green lighted ship. He looked to his men and smirked "Seems that this will be an easy mission after all" They all went quite as they heard the doors to the hangar slide open and someone walk in.

Author's note: Thank you for reading, hopefully I will have Chapter 02 out by next week. Also thank you to my friend Icy for editing the first chapter. Also I will take suggestions for more fanfics

Word Count: 935

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