Chapter 02

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Yay! I am back and I am really excited for this chapter, hope you enjoy!

Pidge strode into her hanger, and sat down at her table.  She anxiously started to plug the cord into her laptop. The computer slowly started to release information about the glara. When receiving information she always organized the new data by: sending it to Allura and Coran, the prisoners for her to go through, and the trash.

As she was getting close to finishing the information she heard something in the back by her lion rustle around. She immediately jumped and felt the hairs on her back rise. After hearing nothing more she just passed it off as her being tired, since it was a long mission with the amount of prisoners. She sat back down determined to get do more work, pushing off the way of tiredness and continued working on her computer. 


Commander Driktug started to gather the supplies to take down the smallest paladin. As he was getting things ready for the mission he tip over a couple things. Immediately everyone went quite as they heard the paladin jump out of her seat. When they heard him sitting back down the all quietly gave a huge sigh of relief. They continued to get the things ready, if this worked it would be a great win in the galra empire.

They silently sneaked off of the ship. The green lions eyes started glowing and out came a low , deep growl. They scurried behind one of the lions huge paws.


Pidge spun around from her seat with a shocked look on her face. "What is it girl, is something wrong?"

Green just replied with another growl. All at once the Commander and his men jumped out behind Pidge. When the grabbed her arm she gave out a short, but loud yelp of surprise. They grabbed a rope and tried to tie her up so they could gag her.

"Stop moving," Driktug shouted.

Pidge gave him a intense look that automatically told him no. The soldiers were trying to be careful so they did raise any alarm in the castle. The commander ran around the ship and got a cloth with something with an awful smell on it. Galran sedative, a strong one. When Pidge saw the cloth she immediately started to make as much noise as possible to get the attention of her friends. As the cloth was put up to her face she felt super tired all at once, and felt the urge to close her eyes.

Her body at once became dead wait, and she had many cuts and bruises from the fight with the soldiers. They were told to bring her back alive and unharmed, and she had made that very hard. They picked her up and started running to the escape pods.


Lance and Shiro were standing with the last couple of prisoners. Both paladins were off in there own world. Lance was thinking about how much he missed his home and his family. Shiro was thinking about different ways that they could stop Zarkon from doing anything else to hurt these innocent people. 

Suddenly Lance's head popped up," Did you hear that?" he asked quickly

"Hear what" Shiro asked in response.

"It sounded like a quiet yelp.

Thank you for reading, if this gets some sort of feedback I might continue. I apologize for it taking ( looks at calendar), a little while to post. Thank you.

Word Count: 582

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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