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The two young parents looked at their daughter with pure love in their eyes. "Ophelia," Regulus said softly his wife's eyes snapped to his. He never used her full name unless it was truly important. "Yes Reg?" "You and Effie need to leave." The hurt in both Regulus' voice and Ophelia's eyes was clear, the woman's voice cracked. "Why?" "I know something about You-know-who, and it's dangerous."

There was a silent pause between the two. "I have to do something in hopes to end the war. For Effie, for her to grow up in a world where she doesn't have to worry that as soon as she becomes of age Death Eaters won't mark her. So she never has to hide her arm or her last name, I know the dangers in this and as soon as I do it you'll be on a hit list." "Reg... Why didn't you tell me? I could help you. You know I know all there is to know, if you had told me sooner I would've helped!" Ophelia said putting her daughter down in her crib and turning to face her husband.

"Kreacher has what needs to be destroyed, I don't want to tell you here or now at all." Regulus pulled his wife into a hug, her small frame wrapped in his larger one. "Will we see you again? Ellie needs a father in her life. If we end up dying what happens to her? Who do we send her to? I don't think Dumbledore would forgive me or you at this rate.." tears threatened to fall from Ophelia's eyes. "We have to hope that he will, or Effie will never live for her second birthday."

"Euphemia Ophelia Black, what have you gotten yourself into."


The group of teens stood in a circle ready to protect their friends. Effie never thought she'd have proper friends, she lived her Hogwarts years surrounded by fake girls with perfect lives. The only person she found comfort in though out her years was her cousin Draco, himself having a pretty shit life, they had something in common.

"Ah, if it isn't the dead bloodtraitor's daughter!" Bellatrix sneered at her niece. "Nice to see you too Aunt Bella, I would've thought 15 years of Azkaban would've taught you manners, guess not. Speaking to your hosts like that." The younger Black shot back wand raised high ready to fire if she tried to hurt her friends. "Have a true Blacks attitude don't you." "I also have the courage none of you shits have." The smirk had been wiped off of the Lestranges face "Scars still hurt? Itty bitty baby scars still pain you? How pathetic, still sad about mummy's death." Effie could feel her friends eyes her, specifically emerald green ones. She had never told anyone how her mother died not a soul except her, Dumbledore and those who killed her knew.

"I won't be nearly as sad when you die, you bitch!" "NOW!" The seven teens rose their wand and began the battle of The Department of Mysteries.


                                                               "A cheer for the dead family club."

Yall like it ? I'm taking down Wailing Woman and Pandoras Box (If that's published) so I can work on some of my other works including this one No Time To Die and Skyfall

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Yall like it ? I'm taking down Wailing Woman and Pandoras Box (If that's published) so I can work on some of my other works including this one No Time To Die and Skyfall. Hope u enjoy :)

Future Ellie: Pandora's Box isn't out ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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