
329 19 25

3:00 AM

SlyFox has added KomiHaruki, TheGreatestAce, ShirofukuYukie, WashioTatsuki, SarukuiYamato, and AkaashiKeiji to the chat.

SlyFox: ok so I cannot fucking deal with this right now

ShirofukuYukie: and you think that I can fucking deal with your stupid ass

ShirofukuYukie: think again bitch

SlyFox: wow ok rude

WashioTatsuki: Konoha it is 3 am what the fuck are you doing awake

SarukuiYamato: ^^

KomiHaruki: Nice kill Shirofuku

SlyFox: as a matter of fact

ShirofukuYukie: I know

SlyFox: I was rudely woken up by our friendly neighborhood captain an hour ago

SlyFox: because he wanted me to answer this shit


KomiHaruki: that red background is burning my eye holes

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KomiHaruki: that red background is burning my eye holes

SarukuiYamato: Now my brain hurts

ShirofukuYukie: how the fuck did he even get on tumblr

WashioTatsuki: and you felt the need to wake us up because...?

SlyFox: we're all third years

SlyFox: we stick together through anything

SlyFox: in other words

SlyFox: if I have to suffer through this then so do you

AkaashiKeiji: but Konoha-san I'm not a third year so why am I here?

SlyFox: you're basically Bokuto's parent

SlyFox: you HAVE to be here

AkaashiKeiji has left the chat

SlyFox has added AkaashiKeiji to the chat

AkaashiKeiji has left the chat

SlyFox has added AkaashiKeiji to the chat

AkaashiKeiji has left the chat

TheGreatestAce has added AkaashiKeiji to the chat


AkaashiKeiji: What have you done

TheGreatestAce: Akaashi can you answer that question?????

AkaashiKeiji: Bokuto-san please, it's 3 am

TheGreatestAce: but Akaaaashiiiiiiii

AkaashiKeiji: I...

AkaashiKeiji: I'm honestly not sure Bokuto-san... 

WashioTatsuki: Bokuto stop harassing your underclassmen and go back to sleep, we have school tomorrow

SarukuiYamato: ardfck DDT u DJ i sgf i CV m DJ cbcjcjnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ShirofukuYukie: wtf?

SlyFox: Yo Saru you good

KomiHaruki: dumbass probably fell asleep

KomiHaruki: and considering I'M starting to feel tired now

KomiHaruki: I think that's our cue to all get off chat and go the fuck to the sleep

KomiHaruki: sleep tight fuckers

KomiHaruki has left the chat

AkaashiKeiji: I second that

WashioTatsuki: I third that

ShirofukuYukie: I'm leaving now

ShirofukuYukie has left the chat

WashioTatsuki has left the chat

AkaashiKeiji: Good night, Komi-san, Konoha-san, Bokuto-san.

AkaashiKeiji has left the chat

SlyFox: you bastards..

TheGreatestAce: Akaashi noooooooooo don't leaveeeeee

TheGreatestAce: Konohhhhaaaaaaa

SlyFox: Bokuto

SlyFox: no

SlyFox: I'm leaving to get some sleep you better get some too

SlyFox: I doubt Akaashi will wanna set to an exhausted spiker

SlyFox: he's gonna send all the sets to me or Saru

TheGreatestAce: 😱😱😱😱


SlyFox: Then you better go before Akaashi finds out you're still here

TheGreatestAce: OH SHIT

TheGreatestAce: RIGHT


TheGreatestAce has left the chat

SlyFox: fucking idiot...

SlyFox has left the chat

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