
115 12 10

2:20 am

TheGreatestAce has added SarukuiYamato, SuzumedaKaori, AkaashiKeiji, SlyFox, WashioTatsuki, OnagaWataru, ShirofukuYukie, and ReadyToFight to the chat


WashioTatsuki: Bokuto it is 2 in the fucking morning, the day hasn't even STARTED yet

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WashioTatsuki: Bokuto it is 2 in the fucking morning, the day hasn't even STARTED yet

ReadyToFight: Washio does that offer for your help to dispose of a body still stand

WashioTatsuki: maybe

WashioTatsuki: if he sends another then yes

TheGreatestAce: do you guys like it????
😃 😃 😃 😃 😃

OnagaWataru: Bokuto-san, it's so early...

AkaashiKeiji: Bokuto-san why are you awake at such late hours

AkaashiKeiji: this is the fourth time this week

AkaashiKeiji: a rising athlete should be getting plenty of rest

AkaashiKeiji: which you are clearly not


TheGreatestAce: ITS A CUTE OWL!!!!!

TheGreatestAce: LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!

AkaashiKeiji: yes I see him Bokuto-san

AkaashiKeiji: he is very cute, but the rest of us have to go to back to sleep, me included, so could you please go back to bed?


AkaashiKeiji: what did I do to deserve this-

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AkaashiKeiji: what did I do to deserve this-

TheGreatestAce: HE'S SO CUTEEEEE

WashioTatsuki: what did any of us do

ReadyToFight: I'm gonna kill him

ShirofukuYukie: I second that

SlyFox: I third that

SlyFox: Bokuto I swear to god I'm going to murder you if I look at my phone and see a picture of an owl one more time

ReadyToFight: get in line Konoha

OnagaWataru: Bokuto-san, please...

OnagaWataru: it's so early...

SarukuiYamato: Bokuto let me ask you a question

SarukuiYamato: Why exactly did you decide to get up at 2:20 in the morning

SarukuiYamato: add yourself to this groupchat, add all of us to the groupchat

SarukuiYamato: And send us a stupid picture of an owl meme

TheGreatestAce: I like owls

WashioTatsuki: I'm going back to sleep

WashioTatsuki has left the chat

ShirofukuYukie: I'm putting my phone on silent Saru you better put yours on silent too

ShirofukuYukie: if that shit wakes me up later I swear to god

SarukuiYamato: yeah sure babe

SarukuiYamato: WAIT

SarukuiYamato: YUKIE NO

SlyFox: oho?

SlyFox: what is this? 😏 😏

SlyFox: are you two together right now?

ShirofukuYukie: Konoha dammit shut up

SarukuiYamato: It's none of your business

AkaashiKeiji: actually Shirofuku-san, Sarukui-san

AkaashiKeiji: I don't believe he has to do either of those things

AkaashiKeiji: blackmail purposes you know?

ReadyToFight: HA

ReadyToFight: suck it assholes

ShirofukuYukie: oh go sit on a dick Komi

SarukuiYamato: yeah

SarukuiYamato: a certain owl's dick

ReadyToFight: you want me to kick your ass

ReadyToFight: I can just as easily kick yours as I can Bokuto's


AkaashiKeiji: no one did Bokuto-san

TheGreatestAce: 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭

TheGreatestAce: AKAASHI


AkaashiKeiji: Bokuto-san it's almost 3 am

AkaashiKeiji: no

OnagaWataru: can I please leave, Akaashi-san?

OnagaWataru: I'm really tired

AkaashiKeiji: yes Onaga

AkaashiKeiji: goodnight

OnagaWataru: goodnight Akaashi-san

OnagaWataru has left the chat


AkaashiKeiji: oh

AkaashiKeiji: I'm sorry that he didn't Bokuto-san

AkaashiKeiji: maybe this can make it better?

AkaashiKeiji: goodnight Bokuto-san

AkaashiKeiji: 💗 💗 💞

AkaashiKeiji has left the chat

SlyFox: that cheeky little-

ShirofukuYukie: OH

SarukuiYamato: Did he just-



TheGreatestAce: IMMA GO HUG HIM

TheGreatestAce has left the groupchat

ReadyToFight: so

ReadyToFight: about those blackmail purposes...  😏

SlyFox: 😏 😏 😏 😏

ShirofukuYukie: oh fuck off

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