The Count

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"Your bath is ready Count Desaulnier" says a peasant. "Perfect, I shall go in and bathe." the Count replies, satisfied. First, he takes off his elf-like shoes. Then, his pantaloons. Next, his wig, powder and all. "That feels so nice... My reflective head needed a break." he sighed. He dove into the bath and relaxed. Suddenly, theres a knock at the bathroom door. He grunts his approval, and the servant walks in. "Sir Joseph, someone left a gift for you outside. Would you like for me to put it inside of your room?" He nods, "Yes, and make sure it is wrapped in a pretty yellow bow as well." "Of course, my lord." The servant quickly exits his bathhouse. Joseph sits up, "Well, I should be off then," and steps out of the tub. Back in his room, he finds the piss yellow package, including the ribbon, sitting on his bed. It's quite large in size, but that is something he is used to. He takes off the ribbon, and opens it up. He was given a camera, but by who? It doesn't matter, because he gets fan mail all the time. "Maybe... I should try it out..." he wondered. He set up the camera on it's stand, and stood in front of it. He clapped two times and a servant was immediately by his side. "Yes, Count Joseph?" he asked. "Take a picture of me on my bed." as he posed seductively. "Right away, sir." The servant placed his hand on the camera and took the picture. The flash was blinding, and for a second the servant couldn't see. When the light was gone, so was Joseph Desaulnier. Gone in an instant.

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