It was only a dream

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Adam Pov
I runs up to Natalie "Natalie wait" she turns around, the wind blows yellow leaves lowing her coat blows in the wind slowly "Yes"
"I would like to see you again" "I would like that too".

Natalie Pov
I go to Adams apartment and walked through the front door Adam walks in behind me and closes the door. we slow danced in the lounge room "I dream about this" Adam whispers to me. we are both lie down in the bed looking at each other we both fall asleep.

Adam Pov
I woke up the next morning and see Natalie isn't there, I sigh "It was only a dream," I whispered to myself. I walk through the hallway to the kitchen and see Natalie in the kitchen making breakfast. She turns around and sees me "I Didn't want to disturb you" "it's alright".

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