Rules and Requests

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1. Oc's are allowed but please don't make them Mary Sue like or op
2. I will label with one's are smut, angst, and songshots. So don't try to change it, fluff is allowed in all types though.
3. Swearing is allowed, just try not to go too crazy with it.
4. No jumping on to other chats if the person I'm role playing with is not ok with it.
5. G x B, G x G, and B x B is allowed.
6. Don't bully others on here or you won't be allowed to RP on here.
Please follow of the rules and have fun!!
7. All rp's might have a special chapter or in my pm

I'm taking prompts aka requests if you want to rp with me.

One last thing, please be patient with me, I have Family link on my phone so my wattpad app will be off, meaning I'll just see regular updates and not my pms unless I go on my laptop. Thank you again

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