I. Sally

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Bloody Valentine

ummary: How Sally Jackson came to be… and one day Draco just asks Percy to be his bloody valentine for February 14
A/N: someone asked me to do a Draco/Percy story, I must check my PM's to remember, but this is it!
Enjoy, JIO!
Sally's POV
It was November, Hogwarts was beautiful when the snow fell gently, the smaller the flakes the faster it would being to layer, I loved this time of year, despite it being cold on the way to classes and cold in the dungeons. My best mate Bellatrix Black sat beside me, her dress was jagged where she had cut it to make it shorter, she always did strange things like that, I thought she should act more lady like, she didn't care, I loved her anyways. Narcissa her younger sister was discussing something about their owl. Across from me, a handsome teen sat, his pale skin, silver eyes, and pale blonde hair, not a strand out of place.
Charles Malfoy, younger brother to Lucius Malfoy, who was marrying Narcissa once they were both out of Hogwarts.
"Charles," I giggle, "would you like a bite of cake?" I ask and point to my plate on the table.
"Sure," Charles grins and takes my hand in his and guides the fork into his mouth, silver eyes staring at me making me blush. "I love you," my fiancé smiles and takes another bite, I gasp.
Charles went out that night, and when he came back he looked shaken, all the other males did, and when he lifted his left sleeve there sat the Dark Mark, a mark my dad wore proudly, and one that my Fiancé wore, it was an ugly looking thing, but it wasn't my place to say. I grin shakily and walk to him and we just hug.
"It's going to be okay," Charles whispers softly and I only nod.
A few months later Charles and Regulus took something, and it made the Dark Lord mad, he had interrogated me, ripped through my Occlumency shields making me cry and I felt him search my brain, I wasn't sure what it was for, but he didn't find it as he threw me down and I cried out, Bellatrix crept forwards and hugged me to her chest, my head hurt and I was crying, I don't know what the Dark Lord wanted, but I would give it if I could.
"Your fiancé is a traitor!" the Dark Lord hisses, his red eyes gazing at me. "I won't kill you; you are loyal, you knew nothing of this deceit, just tell Charles to come home," Voldemort says and sneers down at me.
"Yes milord!" my father Brison bows and takes me out of Bellatrix's arm and drags me out of the chambers and we floo home.
"What the Merlin Salacia!" my dad yells, his face red as soon as we are in the family sitting room and me dusting a bit of dust off my robes.
"I don't know, Charles didn't tell me!" I cry, I wince as my head pounds with a headache, mother hands me a potion and I chug it down.
"The Malfoy boy was always off, I'm just glad Lucius turned outstanding," dad said and handed me a parchment and quill. "Now listen to what our lord said and bring that traitor home."
I Pick the quill and parchment up and begin to write, keep it short and brief.

Charles, love

Where are you? Lucius told me you had went to my house, you aren't here, where are you come home!

Love; Salacia Tremblay

was running for my life, my family was, it was scary, Voldemort could kill us… he had already killed my fiancé and we had been loyal to the cause, supported it, but something had happened and now we were called traitors.
"Go into the muggle world," father said, he kissed my forehead as I held my bag to my chest. "We will come back to you in a couple of days once the Dark Lord is off our trail," he said.
Mother hugged me tears in her eyes, "Salacia my daughter, I love you, this is your new name now," Mother handed me a booklet, a muggle passport, what was a passport?
Opening the book, I see a couple of approved stamps, to places I've been before but we had used a port key, not flown and my own picture, stating that I was British.
"Sally Clarisse Jackson. Why is my last name different?" I asked my father.
"Salacia, you're in danger, and we only want to protect you, become Sally Jackson and see where it leads you, you need to be strong for us, we love you" mother kissed my cheek and transformed my clothes into a nice winter dress, handed me over to the attendant, who was one of my squib cousins and I was lead onto what muggles call a plane, a big chunk of mettle that I am surprised can fly, a concealed book on How to Blend into the Muggle World by George W. O'Conner is in my hand that father had handed over to me before they left.
"Call me if you need anything," my squib cousin says and walks away.
I opened my bag once I sat in the plane seat, it was comfortable, and I had the window seat. Which my cousin told me most people prefer that seat. In my bag I notice that my mother had packed it for me, it was all the essentials, and I looked at the envelope with my real name, Salacia Tremblay. I don't want to open the envelope just yet, so I let my thoughts form and I relax slightly as memories come forth.
My family was a bunch of Purebloods, about 20 generations, we had a large family, mostly girls, so when the males were born they were married off as soon as they reached of age so they could make a heir, and a few times they were lucky it was a male. Males carried on the Tremblay name; the ladies took their husband's names, therefore couldn't really pass the name down. Or they could but it wasn't common, so not a lot of wizards did it.
Shaken out of my thoughts as a young teenaged girl sits right beside me, her hands are holding a small book. "Names Kaylee," she said and held out her hand, I stared at it for a moment and took her hand into mine and shook it, I was aware her hands were quite rough and mine were smooth and soft.
I was a pureblood, we had elves to do our chores, I was meant to be pretty and quiet. I rebelled when I knew I could get away with it, but listened all the time, I had loved Charles Malfoy, my fiancé, and was sad and angry when he died. Voldemort had caught him trying to runaway with stolen artifacts, I found out, he had begged me to go with him, but I couldn't betray my family, they were loyal to the Dark Lord Voldemort!
It was later that night I saw my fiancé being cruicoid by my best friend Bellatrix, her insane cackles ricocheting to my ears and I cried out as I saw my fiancé writhe in pain. She stared at me her beautiful face filled out in horror as she saw me. My cry echoed in my ears at the memory. I called out a curse to her and dropped to my knees and clutched my lover to my chest.
"I hate you!" I sobbed to my friend.
"I'm so sorry Salacia!" She said, "The Dark Lord demanded it! He was going to betray the cause! I was protecting you!" Bellatrix said and grasped my arms. "He said if I killed him you could be spared, I'm so sorry!" Bellatrix looked so sad and angry.
I was too.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I'll never love you Bellatrix, not after you killed my Charles," I snarled and threw another curse.
"I'm so sorry!" Bellatrix cried but didn't defend herself, she look shattered.
Bellatrix and I had dated for a few years, even though I was betrothed to Charles Malfoy he didn't care, I was only 15 and he hadn't really shown any interest in me until I dated Bellatrix. I broke it off when Charles asked for my hand, it was my duty as a Tremblay. I grew to love Charles, but I never missed Bellatrix's longing glances, she would get over it...
"Sally Jackson," I say and shake her hand. "I'm sorry I'm not completely here, my fiancé was killed last night." I whisper and hastily wipe tears away.
"OH, I'm so sorry!'' The muggle girl says and hugs my arm, we are silent the rest of the plane ride, her plugging into a muggle thing that moves.
New York here I come.
once I am settled in bed in New York I realize I never said 'I love you' back to my parents.

Bloody Valentine Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora