II. Poseidon

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II. Poseidon

Neptune Manor was a tall red brick building, it had been there for years, yes named after me, the god of the sea, around the earth I had multiple mortal homes, Apollo and I were visiting the mortal realm in search of a girl. I had lost a bet to Zeus, who had then dared me to go sleep with a mortal woman, the first woman that caught Apollo's eyes. Apollo had turned red with rage, red as his own sacred cows.

'I'm surprised he went red, and not gold," Artemis had told me.

"Maybe its because he had turned mortal three times?" Athena had smirked and walked away from us. I was taken out of my thoughts as a loud whistle was heard and I watch as a life guard saves a boy from drowning, apparetnyl in my thoughts I had let my mind control the ocean and they rolled a lot with my emotions. Large waves had formed, surfers taking advantage and kids running for shore.

"Uncle P?" Apollo asked carefully, not sure what had triggered my harsh emotions.

"Sorry," I mutter to my fellow god and control the water in perfect harmony. "I know letting my thoughts take over is bad for gods, it gets tiring," I admit and see Apollo nod.

"If we were at full power, we would be epic," He agrees. "That's why I have so many kids, I'm not a First-Generation god, we need a bit more power to keep upbeat," he says.

I gaze over Montauk, the golden sand littered with shells, the Ocean calling me even while I am not in it, the waves in sync with my heart, the wind just so strong for sailors, the sea creatures that sensed my presence and came fourth with pride and adoration. Montauk really was a beautiful pace in New York, it was a relief from reality for many in need of a vacation, something to take my mind off of my godly duties; something Zeus said we had to be careful about shirking. I was sitting on the hot sand building a sandcastle, fully in control of my emotions except for I was slightly frustrated as a couple of young kids had knocked it over, Apollo who wasn't to far from me, had laughed. I had glared at him, but he just went back to watching that woman surf.

To be honest I was too, she had long black hair pulled up in a ponytail which clung to her neck and her smooth unblemished pale skin was getting slightly red from the hot sun, from what her bikini didn't cover; Which wasn't a lot of skin.

I watch as she lies down on her board at the next wave and ride the big wave to shore, she stood up and smiled as she came to shore, I was beginning to think I could look at those lips all day. Red wet with the salt water and curved up into a small smile that seemed uncertain.

She came closer to my small group (Eagle, dead fish, clams, crabs, and a seal) and glanced at me with a small smile, I noticed that her eyes were a nice shade of blue, they reminded me a bit of the ocean, when it wasn't sea green.

"Hi," I grin and hand her one of my bottles of water, she frowns at it and puts it on the table.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could tell me where the nearest restaurant is," she asks, her accent identifies her as British, I grow hard a little at the accent, sue me I have a slight kink.

"I can volunteer any information" Apollo says and stares at her boobs. Scowling the girl upturns her nose staring down at Apollo.

"As if I'd let a chummy man like you help me," she sneers in a superior tone and I chuckle, ignoring Apollo's outraged on route rant, I motion us onward.

"Gladly," I say and lead her to the restaurant, she had leant down along the way to pick up a blue summer dress and a purse. "My name is Poseidon," I introduce myself to the girl.

"Sally Jackson," she says after a pause.

"Pleased to meet you," I grin and motion to the manager, the man walks over and I tell him a table for two, he knows me and pulls us to a table in a slightly private area.

I grew to really love Sally, she was calming, and I liked that, she had some magic, I wasn't sure how, but I could feel it. Maybe Hecate could explain when I see her next, I didn't want to ask and then explain how I knew. Though I knew I would have to tell her I was a god soon, lets see how that would happen… maybe I should explain when she is with child, or like maybe never.

We had sex a lot, talked all the time, over a phone, she was growing to love me and I her, it was getting dangerous, my wife was curious why I was gone a lot.

I explained that I got a mortal job because of a lost bet, she frowned but accepted it, I hated lying to my wife, but I wasn't sure if I felt the same way about her, ever since Sally entered my world, she was so strong wild, and when I held her at night she would play with my hair and be so kind sweet. Amphitrite barely spoke to me; it had been like that even before I met Sally anyways, she didn't love me, and I had been hopelessly in love with her. For years, Amphitrite hadn't so much as spoken a paragraph to me since Triton had turned 200 years.

It was mid November when Sally told me, I was so overjoyed, it was so hard to believe, but I was also shaken… I had sworn on the Styx to not have an offspring with any mortals… but maybe the rules could be twisted, my son wasn't any mortal, he was half a wizard and half a god.

Nine months later Sally bore me a son, she named him Perseus Triton Brison Jackson. I watched as Sally lay sleeping, in a small high hospitial size crib sat my little Hero, his head had soft down little feathers of hair that was curly, I knew it would look like my messy hair, curling around in waves in the wind as he got older. I was lost in his sea green eyes, they blinked up at me with delight, like he knew me, how could he? I was his father and his mind knew that! He was so tiny 5 pounds, and I could feel his magic, and his Sea Magic, he was going to be so powerful. I hate the fate I brought on him, but I wouldn't be ashamed, I would proudly claim Perseus as mine. I have to admit I am a bit peeved that she named him after a son of Zeus. I was quickly called back to Olympus to a meeting and when it all happened….

"A half-blood of the eldest gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

And see the world in endless sleep

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days

Olympus to preserve or raze" Apollo said his eyes green as the oracle of Delphi, the mist swirled in billows in the throne room, and the air smelt of ozone, and when I looked down I sighed. The prophecy was in motion.

"I am so sorry Perseus," I whisper.

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