Judging criteria

141 12 21

You need to provide reviews to all the books.

As the no. Of books are unequal in the fandoms due to lack of entries, you don't need to decide a winner..I will do that ..Just allot marks for each book and give a review.

The story with highest ranking wins.

Reviewel format :

Name of the story:
Author name:
Judge name:
Total marks provided:

Title: ( /2)
Cover : ( /5)
Prologue : ( /2)
Blurb : ( /3)
Character development: ( /5)
Grammar : ( /5)
Flow: ( /3)
Plot: ( /5)

Coming to OS , prolouge, blurb amd charactersketch may not be there, thats alright..Just mention thats its A OS and provide full marks


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